God To His Messenger
Page 27 of 59

If I focus my presentation on two essential points, namely that man is nothing but a spiritual
entity on the one hand, living in a material world-binary second, it is especially for you lead to
better understand what follows.
Our material universe-binary part of the kingdom of heaven universe infinite or infinite, is not
really that extreme. I mean, in terms of importance with regard not only to purity but also the
degree of change, development or know who is taught, it is located in the periphery, and n ' is
connected to the celestial world, by and through its invisible part, by a composition that is
very close to that of the celestial universe saint. When its visible part, where the human
remains, not only is it very far, but it is somehow the anti-room, waiting room, which must
absorb the major premise of namely, spiritual entities incarnated before they can access and
this according to their works, good or bad, first in its invisible part, commonly called Hades,
which is also called, transition zone, because it that are then directed the spiritual entities
according to their works, to be awarded:
The heavenly universe for the best, or the world of darkness for the wicked.
So thanks to the invisible part of our material universe-binary, as access to the holy heavenly
universe is possible. Which brings me to clarify that we are somehow the offspring of a great
heavenly family, before rejoining the adults, must prove themselves and thus prove that they
Our material universe is not binary universe principal, and remaining on the lower level in
terms of spiritual evolution, and it is logical to assume that any spiritual elevation, of course
means to learn all the data on the purification of the spiritual essence, but also all that
concerns the mode of evolution of celestial bodies on approaching as much as it may, their
life, their sense of reasoning, reporting full affinities that characterize The gift of whether they
feel towards each other, calm, control is the serenity they bring, and like them, by avoiding
any critical or ruling sterile whose foundations would not focus on the contribution to others,
or aid issued to get them to evolve. Goodness is their credo.
We obviously need to improve our attitudes, our mutual relations, put much greater affinity,
compassion, trying to give to others and share, then we will not be very far from the celestial
Remember my friends, that if the spiritual entity on earth to a garment adapted to its medium
of existence, I want to hear about his fleshly envelope, it is even in the celestial world, where
a body Specific him is also offered.
The portion of the material universe in which we operate binary to the spiritual universe,
giving rise to a radical change, this new criteria, new design data.
For this reason, the Being of Light when he addressed the audience who listened, explained:
If a man be born again he can not see the kingdom of God.
If a man be born of water and spirit, he can not enter the kingdom of God.
That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and what is born of the Spirit is spirit.
This last sentence refers to man, be binary, consisting of a human body and a spiritual entity,
which is linked.
The human body is made of flesh to the earth from which it is drawn, and when he returns. On
the contrary, the spiritual entity, is derived from the divine essence of God, in which the
Being of Light has placed a spark of life. In the latter, God offers based on works carried out,
especially if she chooses well, to enter the kingdom of heaven, and thus obtain eternal life,
and thus return to God, hence it is outcome.
To say simply, imagine that the envelope carnal death, became dust, and return to dust, while
the spiritual entity, reborn or resurrected in the spiritual world, which constitutes a rebirth.
Being of Light to right when he says, that we should well be born again, because only the
spiritual entity, has access to the spiritual world of heaven.




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