God To His Messenger
Page 26 of 59

Five heavenly universe, each with a level of evolution and different spiritual purity, and live
where the angels see heavenly bodies heavenly assistants as I say respectfully, and holy
spiritual beings who have left the ground after clean their spiritual essence.
A binary-material universe, where man is changing the planet earth depends, and which is
actually double, with one visible to man as it is, and an invisible part, which interpenetrates.
And a universe whose level of development is the lowest of all, created by the Being of Light
to receive Satan and his fallen angels and the spiritual beings having left the earth, after
having committed violent crimes. This universe is also called world of darkness or hell.
I often had to say and write my friends, but the main universe or the real world, not ours, but
the kingdom is infinite in its entirety, with main areas of developments, the spiritual regions
celestial or heavenly beings live and holy spiritual entities. So the real universe, including all
five celestial zones, plus the invisible part of our material universe-binary.
The material universe-changing bit where the man is actually an area of temporary changes in
some way, the antechamber of the real world, a region where school must develop all spiritual
entities seeking after have learned lessons and clean their spiritual essences, to achieve
perfection in order to enter the heavenly universe.
The human and spiritual entity created after the divine essence of the Being of Light, is on
earth to complete his apprenticeship, and avoid making the same mistake that Adam and Eve.
It is essential and necessary, for his confrontation with the various events encountered on the
path of life, to reject evil, while aware of its own reality.
To achieve this it has received from God, clothing specific to the environment where it is and
therefore governed by the substance, called human body.
I've found that our material universe-bit was actually double, so we have a visible to humans,
and other invisible, the two interpenetrating spheres. The latter is more known to the ancients,
or our forefathers, as hell.
Since Adam and Eve were expelled from Paradise, God because of their disobedience, had
decided to condemn the attack of the heavenly universe, anxious that paradise and still retains
its sanctity, where nothing unclean can penetrate. That is why all spiritual beings having
previously lived on earth, and part of the first generation of men has remained locked in the
invisible part of our material universe-bit, waiting for the advent of Christ, Being of Light,
come to liberate and save mankind, and therefore of course, the spiritual beings trapped
deductions from the dead.
Remember my friends, that God placed at the entrance to paradise, to prohibit the entry.
It is written:
And he (God) placed at the east of the Garden of Eden, the cherubim who waved a flaming
sword to guard the way to the tree of life.
All spiritual beings embodied in the first generation, from Adam and Eve to the advent of the
Being of Light, their dead remained trapped in hell, waiting there, be they also released and
saved the same way as those who were still incarnate on earth.
By speaking with them, that Being of Light gave this answer to the apostles.
I have other sheep that are not of this fold, (hear that part of the material universe-bit) ones
there, I also have the leads. They hear my voice, and there will be one flock, one shepherd.
Verily, verily I say unto you, The hour is coming and is already come when the dead will hear
(the disembodied spiritual beings having left their body) the voice of the son of God, and
those who hear will live. Those who have done good will rise to live, but those that have done
evil will rise to be condemned.
I am the first and last and the living.
I was dead, and behold I am alive for evermore.
I have the keys of death and Hades.




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