God To His Messenger
Page 20 of 59

The fire, also a much deeper, because as you know now, God loves men greatly, and fire in
this case there is a sense protective, reassuring.
Being of Light said:
Who is near me is near the fire.
Which is far from me, is far from the kingdom.
The action in the case that concerns us, and conducted by the Supreme Being, is to make men
understand that this is a behavior, attitudes, impressions of goodness, being right and fair,
active, alert, responsive to the evil thoughts that they should reject, through the trials
encountered on the path of life, they manage to clean their esse, the spiritual, to consolidate
their gains, and to walk with faith and confidence on the road which leads to light.
Then you, lonely and simplified.

They will stand, solitary and simplified.
This sentence of the Being of Light presents the state must reach the spiritual entity at the end
of his earthly journey, or better, so move away from the path commonly followed by men, she
wisely decided to walk towards which leads to the liberation of being, and who will
eventually enter into the celestial world, having attained the state of arousal.
This presupposes that it is definitively rejected the forces of evil and of course there indulge
itself, but it is also refined its spiritual essence, and penetrated by adopting the depths of his
being the word of God.
To reach the state of solitary and simple, it is essential to establish, by a burning desire to
succeed, a philosophy based on the tenets deific, including the renunciation of materialism
and the final and complete annihilation, negative impulses that hold spiritual entity
imprisoned in his body, and following the path charted by the forces of good that lead to the
purification of our spiritual essence, consolidating our achievements, determination to stay the
course inevitably lead to the rejection of the carnal envelope, the abolition of waves and
negative mass accumulated in the latter and retain the entity blind, and that the entity will
inevitably lead to wakefulness.
Voila briefly brushed the path to get there.
Of course, some would say that it is impossible that these are just rubbish and nonsense, and
that those who embark on this path to reach wakefulness delude themselves, because it
Nothing of all this, claiming that it is utopia.
We've all heard such statements, and is not a certain sadness that I say to these critics:
You are wrong to think like that because you know nothing of celestial data, even those on the
man on the earth plane. What do you know the divine laws, and data materialists who are
blind men?
Verily I say unto you, but what God says is true.
Did he not say:
I'll give you what no eye has seen,
What the ear does not hear,
What the hand has not touched
What is not entered the heart of man.
He who seeks will find
To him who knocks on the inside, it opens.
If I confirm the veracity of God, simply because I am currently the witness. Not only do I
enjoy this moment of his teaching, but I have the honor to witness their achievements,
confirming if necessary, that the Being of Light really gives to that request, and actually opens
the door to him who knocks.
I have seen and heard, what can men can see and hear.
The path to the waking state is long, admittedly difficult, but if I succeeded, why not you?




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