God To His Messenger
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spiritual evolution, but they had decided not to reveal their existence, and does not disclose its
contents to the men they are keen to remain in ignorance.
Provided that this is the illiteracy rate was very high, people could only listen to them, and
thus was obligated to respect their decision, for fear of being labeled as rebellious, see even
dissent, and put away the bank or the company can be also charged as a heretic.
The men who hunger and thirst for knowledge, these respected scholars, and could not
imagine that they could reveal the bare minimum, and that often such knowledge or truth
revealed by the prophets, was truncated.
To better contain the reactions of people to control, to move in the desired direction, guide the
reasoning of men, the Pharisees, scribes and doctors of the law, not wishing to penetrate
deeper knowledge of God had decided to keep them in ignorance, to prevent unauthorized
access to data spiritual divine.
So when the Being of Light came among men, he has had among other things, to correct this
situation, is why he has sought to address the people, by revealing the great lines of the word
of God, even if sometimes it was a parable.
The scholars at that time, those who received the keys of knowledge transmitted by God to the
prophets, and who had received them, I want to hear about the Pharisees, scribes, and doctors
of the law went principle, as now the rest, they were only able to penetrate the subtle,
uniquely able to draw the quintessence of perceiving the true meaning and to update the
mystery hidden in it finds that men Argand deliberately kept in ignorance, would be unable to
The only problem is that the makers did nothing to explain, let alone provide them any
information on these key knowledge.
Another major reason precluded these scholars unfair not to reveal the major spiritual
knowledge, was in fact quite the contrary, that the people in his wisdom, as enlightened by the
Holy Spirit, entering into the real content, and realizes that they do not want to not only that
progress on the spiritual plane and thus its members are unable to open the gateway to the
celestial world, but they did manage to penetrate their true intentions, thus losing all their
We must say this, that these iniquitous makers, often had arrogated privileges, some were
even lower foment intrigues to self proclaimed religious leaders by example to enjoy the
many advantages inherent posts usurped, and cynicism, asking people to respect the law of
God, lest they suffer the wrath of God, and bear heavy burdens when they take it easy.
Among the various complaints that the Being of Light reproached them, we find:
Give the people a false appearance of themselves, showing a character trait, in which attitudes
and behaviors wheedling, masking a reality that does not reflect their true merits. They asked
the people to give alms to offer in sacrifice a portion of their property, while they were
amassing wealth. What they hid the people, God is impossible, because he sees and knows
everything. That is why, in speaking of them, Being of Light to use this image.
You clean the outside of the cup and platter, (the cup and the dish is actually the human body,
and the trait they showed to the people) and inside you are full of rapine and wickedness .
To make the people believe they complied with the tenets deific, when in fact they neglected
justice and love of God. If you pay tithe of mint and so on., Should not we also respect and
practice the divine justice, and really prove by healthy attitudes and sincere, they love men,
and consequently God.
Seek the honors of being or desire is always the first places, or to appear before men in public
Hiding a substantive evil by acting as the people through ignorance, mistake them for good




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