The Science of God, or Science of Salvation
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He who knows God, knows the Absolute Truth at the same time.

All those who do not know the works of God, know nothing, for they are ignorant of the Absolute Truth.

All those who do not seek to know the roots of evil in order to eradicate them definitively, will remain slaves to evil.

All those who do not know their true spiritual identity, who do not know who they really are, nor how they came to be in this material world, will neither understand nor know how they will leave, nor where they will go. They will remain prisoners of this world of suffering.

All those who do not reject envy, desire, covetousness, materialism, evil in all its forms, and who do not extinguish anger, greed, concupiscence and vengeance, close the doors of existential truth.

All those who do not seek God, who do not seek to know Him as He really is, nor seek to receive His divine word and sublime teaching, remain in darkness, they will never see the light.

All those who do not seek to know the place from which they come, nor the bond that unites each of them to the Lord, these will be hidden from them.

The path that surely leads to the pure light, the sublime kingdom of God, is the surrender of oneself to the Lord, and the service of love and devotion that we offer to Him. This is the perfection of existence.

God is truly a marvelous Being, of boundless love, goodness and mercy. His manifold beauty fascinates.

The Lord says: “When a mortal surrenders to Me and offers all his fruitful labor to Me in his desire to serve Me with love and devotion, he then attains freedom from birth and death and qualifies to attain immortality, the sharing of My nature and the opulence that comes with Me.”

If all human beings knew this, were aware of it, surrendered to Him and served Him with love and devotion, all their worries and sufferings would disappear.

Let those who want to walk confidently on the holy and pure path of God, the one that leads to His infinite, absolute and eternal kingdom, take as their helmet salvation, as their sword the word of God, and put on the armor of light of which deep love for the Lord, surrender to His Divine Person and devotional service offered to Him, are the pure essence.




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