The Science of God, or Science of Salvation
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To do God's will is to take pleasure in serving him with love and devotion.

Jesus said: “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father in heaven.”

To do the will of God is to serve him with devotion. God says to this effect: “It is only through devotional service, and only in this way, that one can know Me as I am. And

the being who, through such devotion becomes fully conscious of My Person, can then enter My absolute kingdom.”

Devotional service, or service of love and devotion to God, is really the manifestation of love for God and the expression of joy in doing His divine will so that He may be happy.

The service of love and devotion dedicated to the Lord revives eternal life in us. Serving God with devotion means taking pleasure in obeying Him, doing His will, glorifying Him, devoting our whole existence to Him and offering our life to Him, then love for the Supreme Being, Krishna, is born.

The love that this devotional service brings forth is the only way to obtain the favors of Krishna, the Supreme Lord. It therefore becomes a sign of perfection.

Through love and devotional service, and only in this way, it is possible to know God as He really is, and the being who, through such devotion, becomes fully conscious of God, then enters the absolute realm of the Supreme Eternal.

We all long for spiritual liberation, for salvation, but what exactly is it?

Man is currently evolving in the material cosmos, a temporary universe of limited duration, an imperfect and distorted reflection of the real world, the infinite and absolute kingdom of God, where he must undergo multiple sufferings and incessant reincarnations.

Spiritual liberation, also called salvation, consists in breaking the chains that hold us prisoners of matter in the material universe. By matter, we mean the various bodies of dense matter in which souls are trapped.

It is to put an end to the sufferings inherent in the material nature, of which birth, sickness, old age and death are the signs, and the result of our own guilty acts committed in our previous life.

But spiritual liberation or salvation is above all, after a long period spent in darkness and ignorance of the facts about God and existential truth, to attain true freedom, true resurrection, and to be reunited with God in His sublime kingdom, where He will offer us eternal life and unimaginable perfect happiness.




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