The Science of God, or Science of Salvation
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Generally speaking, it can be said that almost all men are unaware of the existence of the spiritual world. The knowledge of materialists is extremely limited to the limits of our material galaxy, located in the dark part of creation. They do not know that beyond our galaxy lies a myriad of others, and further still, the spiritual world.

Unless one knows God perfectly, in his primordial form and is his devotee, no one can know the existence of the spiritual world.

Men, only interested in the material universe, are called blind. These blind can of course be guided by spiritual masters as blind as they are, for they lack true knowledge, that which concerns the nature of existence in this world of dense matter. These blind masters, preoccupied with the external world, remain forever prisoners of the powerful bonds of material nature.

Unless one renounces materialism, rejects sense pleasure, it will be very difficult to attach oneself to the Lord and thus be conscious of Him. Only by becoming conscious of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, by taking refuge in Him, and by serving Him with love and devotion, can one become free from material contamination.

1°) To be blind is to be ignorant of everything about God, to know nothing about His real, personal, primordial, original, infinite and absolute form.

2°) To be blind is to be ignorant of all the data relating to existential truth.

3°) To be blind is to be ignorant of our true spiritual identity, of the bond that unites us to Krishna, and of the natural position we have with Him.

4°) To be blind is to be unaware that all our thoughts, words and actions produce positive or negative effects, which cause consequences whose benefits or sufferings we will have to feel already in our present life, and certainly in our next existence.

5°) To be blind is to ignore that the ultimate objective of existence is God Himself. We absolutely must go find him in his eternal kingdom.

6°) To be blind is to ignore all true knowledge, which makes it possible to achieve spiritual realization, and to reach Krishna consciousness.

7°) To be blind is to ignore all knowledge relating to wisdom, which guides the incarnated being on the path of transcendental light.

8°) To be blind is to ignore everything about the existence of the spiritual world, without beginning or end, which will always exist.

9°) To be blind is also to remain far from evil beings, criminals, unbelievers, so as not to see and hear what they do and say, not to fall into their iniquitous traps, and to protect oneself from them while remaining far from materialism, rooted in spirituality and pure virtue.

10°) To be blind is also to have, by the grace of God, spiritual eyes, which make it possible to see what the material eye does not see, all the salutary signs that the Lord shows to men, in order to guide them. on the way to salvation.




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