The Science of God, or Science of Salvation
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To walk with God is to be immersed in eternal life.

The key to the liberation or salvation of the being and the spiritual elevation of the soul is not to desire anything for oneself, but to wish with benevolence that others have, so that they may walk with God.

To walk with God is, on the one hand, to act as Jesus exemplified when he said: “the son does what he sees the Father doing, and whatever the Father does, the son does likewise”.

On the other hand, walking with God is applying in everyday life, at every moment, at all times, the precepts, directives, and commandments of God, always being as the Lord shows us, in unconditional love, kindness, goodness, justice and my peace.

To walk with God is to demonstrate all of this in thought, word and deed.

To walk with God is to demonstrate without end, the love we feel for Him.

To walk with God is to feel the constant and unreserved desire to surrender to Him and to serve Him with love and devotion.

To walk with God, finally, is to be immersed in eternal life, absolute knowledge, and a sublime, permanent, unceasing happiness of the highest intensity.




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