Chaitanya, The Golden Avatar
Page 92 of 103

Lord Chaitanya further wants to teach that anyone who seriously studies the science of the Absolute should stick to the words of his spiritual master. The instructions of the spiritual master must be scrupulously honored, for by adhering to them one becomes perfect in everything.

In truth, it should be known that the bottom line of the original holy scriptures lies in the understanding of Krishna. Knowing the original holy scriptures comes down to knowing Krishna, and our relationship to Him.

Who knows Krishna knows everything, and who knows Krishna always engages in his service of spiritual and absolute love.

Lord Krishna Himself said: From all that is I am the source, from Me all emanates. So whoever knows Me perfectly is fully committed to My service of transcendent love.

A Master-servant relationship eternally unites Krishna and the living being, and as long as the latter's service is inadequate, in other words, as long as the spiritual being distinct from Krishna is not fully established in the living being. Krishna consciousness or God consciousness, let us understand that his study of the original holy scriptures remains incomplete. Anyone who does not understand what Krishna consciousness consists of, or does not serve Krishna with purely spiritual love, must be seen as hostile to the study of the holy scriptures and to the understanding of God, the Supreme Person.

As long as one evolves within the restricted framework of the action concerned or that one indulges in intellectual speculation, one may succeed in studying, even in teaching the theoretical aspect of Vedanta. -Sutra [Philosophical treatise of Avatar Vyasadeva, made up of aphorisms on the nature of Absolute Truth, and composed as a conclusion to the Vedas, the original holy scriptures], but without knowing the supreme, eternal and transcendental vibration. [entirely free from all material influence] of the hymn of the Holy Names;

Hare Krishna, hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, hare hare / Hare Rama, hare Rama, Rama Rama, hare hare.

Which amounts to saying that whoever has been able to perfect the song of the transcendental sound vibrations of this hymn, does not have to study the philosophy of the Vedanta-Sutra separately.

Those who do not understand that transcendental sound vibration is not different from the Supreme and strive to become Mayavadi philosophers [One gathers under this term supporters of various philosophies all subject to one or other of the two major categories of impersonnalism, or Sankarism (which advocates identification with spiritual being), and nihilism (also known as vacuum philosophy, related to Buddhism (which denies the existence of the soul, and of God)] or exegetes of the Vedanta-Sutra are all fools.




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