Chaitanya, The Golden Avatar
Page 88 of 103

The Lord is the Master of countless infinite energies, so He manifests the byproducts of these energies in various ways. Everything is under his domination. The Supreme Lord is also the Supreme Master, who manifests in countless energies and emanations. Absolute Truth, God, the Supreme Person, can never be impersonal, or nothing, since It possesses innumerable powers. It can present itself in multiple forms enjoying countless energies while remaining God, the Supreme and Absolute Person. Although She unfolds in multiple forms and diffuses her countless energies, She forever maintains her transcendent position.

Lord Chaitanya established that the Vedic literature (of the Vedas, the original holy scriptures) has three objectives: To know our relationship with the Absolute, God, the Supreme Person, to act according to this knowledge, this understanding and to attain the highest perfection of existence: the love of God.

The devotional service of the Supreme Lord is the highest perfection of human understanding. He even fascinates liberated souls who, by the inconceivable power of God, the Supreme Person, become his devotees. To attain pure consciousness is to understand that one is the eternal servant of the Supreme Lord. Under the influence of illusion, a person of less intelligence assimilates the self to coarse (dense matter) and subtle (ethereal) bodies, to a notion at the very foundation of the doctrine of transference. In truth, the integral parts of the Supreme (God) are not eternally subject to this mistaken notion of gross and subtle bodily existence. The coarse and subtle envelopes of the living being do not constitute its eternal form, for they are subject to change. In other words, the being can free himself from such an existence. But as long as it identifies with body and mind, it only exchanges its spiritual identity for a material identity, hence the idea of transference. It goes without saying that atheistic impersonalist philosophers exploit this notion of transference by claiming that the living being deceives itself into believing itself to be an integral part of the Supreme, and that it is in fact itself the Supreme. This is indeed an unbearable doctrine, because it is false. The purpose of the devotee's mission is to convert even one person into a pure devotee. Thus his admission to the spiritual realm is assured.

Lord Chaitanya said: Whoever takes complete refuge with the Supreme Lord is blessed by Him, who is called the Infinite. Such a person is also authorized to cross the ocean of ignorance. He, however, who identifies with his body of matter cannot receive appreciation, mercy without cause from God, the Supreme Person.

The grace of God is acquired through that of his pure devotee. One can only attract the grace of the Lord through a devotee. Thus, the Lord can grant one of these five forms of liberation:

  1. One that allows one to live on the same planet as the Lord.

  2. The one that allows you to live in his company.

  3. That which gives a transcendental form similar to that of the Lord.

  4. The one who allows to benefit from the same opulence as Him.

  5. That which consists in blending in with one's existence. In truth, none of these really interest the devotee, who is content to simply serve the Lord with love and devotion.




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