Chaitanya, The Golden Avatar
Page 90 of 103

However, an analysis of the spiritual feelings that characterize the different relationships with the Divine reveals that the neutral (passive) relationship with the Supreme Lord is found at the first rung. A further realization of God is to see him as his Master and then, beyond, as his Friend, and still higher is the relationship in which one perceives the Lord as his Child. The parental relation is thus more evolved and of a higher quality than the relation of Friendship, but the supreme relation among all is that where one develops a conjugal love for the Sovereign Lord. Spiritual achievement with an attitude of service is in itself transcendent, but when that attitude turns into a feeling of brotherhood, the relationship deepens further. And when the affection intensifies, the relationship is then established at the parental level. Ultimately, however, marital love characterizes the highest relationship that can unite us to the Supreme Lord. All spiritual affection for the Supreme Lord, at whatever level, is undoubtedly transcendent, but that which is peculiar to a given devotee is more delectable to him than to any other.

The pure devotee ceaselessly absorbed in Krishna consciousness can sacrifice everything for the service of the Lord. Anyone who dedicates his life to the service of Lord Chaitanya, Krishna and the spiritual master, anyone who adheres to the principles of family life and anyone who honors the principles of renunciation in the lineage of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is a true devotee. When one is freed from all material taint, one can taste the transcendent flavor of all relationship with Krishna. Conversely, and very unfortunately, those who have no experience of spiritual science cannot appreciate the different relationships that unite beings with the Supreme Lord. The service of love and devotion to the Supreme Lord is the very life of every being. It is written that Lord Krishna accepts from his devotees any form of devotional service which they render to him according to their own abilities, and that Krishna responds to them reciprocally. When a person wishes to establish a servant-to-Master relationship with Krishna, He plays the role of the perfect Master, and when one desires to have Krishna as a son in a parental relationship, Krishna plays the role of the perfect son. Likewise, when a devotee wishes to worship Krishna with a feeling of conjugal love, Krishna perfectly assumes the role of husband or lover. Having said that, He Himself admits that the marital relationship which unites Him with the young girls of Vraja represents the highest perfection.

The difference between simple religious practices and devotional service is immense. By performing religious rites, one can obtain the greatest material benefits, including prosperity, sense satisfaction or liberation, merging into the existence of the Supreme. But the fruits of devotional service are totally different from these temporary material benefits. The Lord's devotional service is of ever-renewed freshness and brings growing spiritual satisfaction. There is therefore an abyss of difference between the fruits of devotional service and those which flow from religious rites.




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