Chaitanya, The Golden Avatar
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The powerful spiritual energy which governs the material universe, the administrators responsible for the various sectors of creation, the celestial beings, as well as all the products of the external energy of the Supreme Lord are but distorted reflections of the opulence of the Supreme. The celestial beings are in reality servants of God charged to assure under his orders the management of the material creation.

In the spiritual world there is another energy, the higher spiritual energy, or internal, which acts under the direction of the internal power of the Supreme Lord, itself under his direction, but in the spiritual universe. When the living being places himself under the tutelage of internal energy rather than external energy or material energy, he gradually becomes, by grace, a devotee of Krishna. But those who seek material wealth and happiness rely more on material energy or heavenly beings such as Siva. When one becomes established in one's purely spiritual identity and meditates on the service of absolute love offered to the Supreme Lord, one is promoted to the spiritual realm to live in the company of Krishna. In other words, by thinking of Krishna and his companions in full awareness of his spiritual identity, one qualifies to enter the spiritual realm. No one can envision or admire the activities of the spiritual world without being established in their pure spiritual identity. No one other than Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu can bestow spiritual love for God.

What is the highest level of education?

It is to know the science of Krishna, God. Material education is aimed at satisfying the senses, while spiritual education at the highest level is aimed at embracing the science of Krishna. The best occupation is that which satisfies God, the Supreme Person, and the best education is in the science of knowing which enables us to fully establish ourselves in Krishna consciousness. Listening and singing of the glories of the Lord, remembering, worshiping the Lord and praying, serving and befriending Krishna by offering Him everything, are the marks of the highest spiritual knowledge which that is.

Lord Chaitanya teaches us the science of the Absolute, the science of God, the importance and value of the Hare Krishna transcendent vibration.

Lord Chaitanya enjoins us to sing the Hymn of Glories of the Holy Names of Krishna;

Hare Krishna, hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, hare hare / Hare Rama, hare Rama, Rama Rama, hare hare.

He asks us to chant this song of the Holy Names of Krishna endlessly, for it will give us all protection. He tells us that you have to be humble, consider yourself inferior to a blade of grass in the street, be more tolerant than a tree, let go of any feeling of prestige and be ready to pay your respects to others, because it is animated with such a spirit that one can ceaselessly sing the philosophy of the Holy Name of the Lord.




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