Chaitanya, The Golden Avatar
Page 85 of 103

All must adopt the devotional service offered to the Supreme Lord: O my Lord, O Supreme Person, You are the support of all life and of the entire cosmos. That is why your devotional service is true religion. I therefore practice this devotional service in the hope that You will protect me and always engage me more in this sublime service, for you are God, the Supreme Person, embodying the eternal form and your radiance spreads throughout creation. Just as the blinding radiance emanating from the sun hides the solar disk from us, your spiritual form is veiled by your radiance. Desiring to discover you within this light, I ask you to withdraw this dazzling radiance.

The everlasting, all-knowing and blissful form of the Supreme Lord is at the heart of the fiery radiance, which emanates from the personal body of the Lord. The personal form of the Lord is therefore the source of radiance. The Supreme and Absolute Truth is, simultaneously and eternally, personal and impersonal, though its personal aspect is more important than its impersonal aspect. The cosmic manifestation is only an emanation of God, the Supreme and Absolute Truth, and it rests moreover in Him, which therefore imposes itself in everything as the ablative, causative and locative agent, and by the same token. like the Supreme Person, for these are the characteristics of a person. As an ablative agent with regard to the cosmic manifestation, He must furthermore possess the faculty of thinking, feeling and wanting, for without these three psychic attributes the cosmic manifestation cannot be so wonderfully conceived and arranged. On the other hand, in his capacity as causative agent, He is the original architect of the cosmos, and in his capacity as rental agent, all that exists is based on his energy. In short, all of these attributes are clearly those of a person.

When God, the Supreme Person, wishes to make himself multiple, He permeates the material nature of his gaze. His gaze, or his vision, therefore, cannot be soiled by matter. And since he saw before the material creation existed, his body itself cannot be material. His faculties of thinking, feeling and acting are all of a transcendental character. In other words, it must be concluded that the mind of the Lord, seat of his thoughts, feelings and will, is spiritual and absolute, and so are his eyes, whose gaze rests on material nature. As everything in Him existed before the material creation, the Lord evidently possesses a perfectly spiritual and absolute body, senses and mind.

Beyond the limits of the material universe lies the spiritual world, with its many eternal planets, including the supreme, Kṛiṣhṇaloka, where Krishna dwells and which is divided into three regions, Dvārakā, Mathurā and Gokula. In this abode, the Supreme Lord manifests in the form of four plenary emanations, Krishna, Balarāma, Pradyumna (the transcendent cupid) and Aniruddha, known as the original quadruple form. On Kṛiṣhṇaloka there is a transcendent place called Śvetadvīpa, or Vṛindāvana. Below Kṛiṣhṇaloka, in the spiritual sky, float the planets Vaikuṇṭha, and over each of them reigns Nārāyaṇa, the four-armed emanation of the original quadruple manifestation. The Divine Personality known as Nārāyaṇa in Kṛiṣhṇaloka is the original Saṅkarṣaṇa (Attractive Divinity), and from the latter emanates a second Saṅkarṣaṇa called Maha-Saṅkarṣaṇa, who resides on one of the Vaikuṇṭha planets.




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