God - The Revelation Of The 13th Way's Insider
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These religious unfair, these unscrupulous makers, these deniers ignorant of the exact scope
of words, and the effects they induce, the ideals they convey and their specific effects on the
psyche of men.
The ignorance of man is not only the mysteries of heaven, but it also relates to the terrestrial
sphere in which he knows he is still part of the cut sky, and he influenced. It is largely the
provider of air masses and negative influence material, and which is enclosed.
This knowledge is now perfect and complete God, must bring the man to change his behavior,
rejecting the satanic philosophy to that of God, based on righteousness, justice, love.
It is written:
What a man soweth, that shall he also reap. He who sows to his flesh shall of the flesh reap
But he who sows to the spirit, the spirit reap life everlasting.
Let us not tire of doing good, for we shall reap the expected time, if we do not lose heart.

If time is a period marked by the succession of events such as days, months, years, nights,
seasons, hours etc.. This figure is however specific to the material universe binary, and does
in any celestial universe, let alone God.
Time can be defined in terms of past and future, which related to the present, defined a
movement, is within a range. Stay at the moment, there position, confine them naturally
without change one iota, is the unique ability of GOD, and five BEINGS OF LIGHT.
It is while living in the moment, given fixed and immutable, which continues to penetrate the
past and the future without being affected or suffer the effects, since these last two phases are
somehow two elements of this is why God said so aptly.
I am the first and last, the alpha and omega, the beginning and end.
Time has no impact, can affect or reach, as is rest and motion at a time, the absolute master of
time because this data remains at its level to the static state.
Another fundamental fact characterizes God, and gives it individuality.
Given only that God is everything, the composition of all container and contents at the time he
has in him not only all principles of truth and knowledge, the source so invigorating. But also
that time-bound. If the weather can affect humans and the latter suffer the effects, it is because
it is external to it or if it is washed and can not escape it.
Unlike God, who is the master in that time and its three elements, remain in him. For this
reason, God is the only constant in this life, knowing the two elements are linked and
dependent on past and future.
As I have explained above, the Supreme Being as a spiritual entity MAJEURE owner and
holder of the life-giving source, is eternal essence. Time has no effect on him because he
remains within it.
On the other hand, God in his goodness and his love for men, wishing to see them evolve and
grow spiritually, then release the binary material universe, takes his time with the spiritual
beings we are. This desire that we grow in wisdom and intelligence, our moral sense
develops, before we pass new knowledge, new revelations through his messenger. The
obvious reason is to allow men to get answers about the mysteries of heaven, from God
himself to know him better, and thus allow the men to finally enter the data hitherto unknown.
What man does not impatient, and did not feel that God is slow to listen or act. The BEING
OF LIGHT knows and sees everything, but gives the men time to repent of their mistakes and
correct them accordingly.
Verily I say unto you, that he who has eyes to see, ears to hear, said the actions of God,
because they are visible.




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