God - The Revelation Of The 13th Way's Insider
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The BEING OF LIGHT transmit timely and gradually and continuously new knowledge to
men. This contribution is evident therefore that the actions of evil forces are at their peak.
The time I said, is data that has no meaning on the spiritual plane, which explains the patience
that God develops against men and her desire late or more exactly calculated to better
awareness of spiritual beings (men) by revealing himself as, in a timely and accurate so that
they penetrate the truth.
If God waited until now to bring these revelations to men, but also because the time has come
for BEING OF LIGHT transmit to humans an ultimate truth and thereby to conceal the final
fate of the infamous Satan .
To better penetrate these revelations, it is necessary or even indispensable to reason, think in
terms of spiritual and not materialistic, then open to seeking the truth.
The time has come for man to learn about the real motives of Satan and hell beings who
attend. It is time for humans to better dissect the destructive philosophy, the pernicious
character, behavior, attitude marked by aggressive meanness, cruelty, lies, deceit, cynicism
and the real intentions of the Prince of darkness, to detach and to reject it definitively. Armed
with this new more complete, more accurate, he can now better respond and position
themselves in knowing the destructive forces of evil, and they generate.
You are the new generation, the first to finally really know God.
2000 years ago, the being of light has come on earth among men, making himself known to
them, revealing himself to them as Christ. At that time, he made a great work, is to save and
liberate men as well as spiritual beings trapped in hell, and also putting in place a new heaven,
new earth, and the latter a new generation of men, and this latest offering, new rules, new
laws which divine justice is the foundation, and of course the new alliance.
If at that time, Satan has been judged and sentenced, you also know that when he expected to
be released to test men. They must of course resist him and reject his philosophy. His time is
now coming to an end, just see what happens on earth to see that being filthy there.
So my friends, given the importance of these new revelations, I can assure you that a new era
for men.
Today's defeat of Satan was established and brought to light.
God had warned the men in these terms:
Wash you, make you clean. Remove from my eyes the wickedness of your actions. Cease to
do evil.
Learn to do good, seek justice.




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