God - The Revelation Of The 13th Way's Insider
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where we all come, it's always been known to men as a spiritual being, and it is also always
sent to men as such.
There was therefore from the outset and that since Adam and Eve, and until the advent of
Christ, two forms of thought, one spiritual and expressed from GOD, which when addressed
to men, was on actually an exchange between him expressive spiritual entity SUPREME and
other spiritual beings living in a fleshly envelope.
Men unable to comprehend its meaning, change and transform the words of God, translating
them in materialistic terms. As a spiritual thought initially became humans, materialistic
thinking, the misunderstanding has been from the outset TOTAL, and continues today. Even
Christ had difficulty understanding this, because he spoke to men in spiritual being and
knowing it could not be included, frequently expressed in terms imaged or parable.
Remember what it was once said to Peter, the latter having not grasped the real significance of
his words:
"Get behind me SATAN, thou art a scandal, because your thoughts are not thoughts of God,
but of men."
It has always been so.
Men still continue to reason, to think in terms of materialism, which is likely to change, to
distort the divine thought, the divine word. Instead of receiving clear, carefully, analyze and
interpret the word of God as it should be, and finally to act spiritual entity, the man emerge
from the material universe-bit and especially its material body where it is held prisoner. He
came out of ignorance and blindness when he was stationed. He then perceive reality,
grasping the exact meaning of the divine word.
Woe to you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, for you close to men the kingdom of heaven,
you do not enter yourselves, and you do not let those enter who want it.
So now you know you loved all spiritual entities, from the divine essence of your true father,
God, be like him. Also argue, think, express yourself in the same way, act primarily spiritual
beings, I repeat again, what you are. Then you will understand much better the word of God,
you know more clearly the meaning and scope, you better penetrate the fullness, everything
appears clearer.
I remember reading, long ago, a book of famous alchemist Nicolas Flamel, devoted to the
study of the philosopher's stone. This book was actually an open letter to his son, and was
intended to enlighten on the real motivations that must have the neophytes and the real
purpose of one who embarks on the quest for the philosopher's stone.
In this work, Nicolas Flamel explains in detail, but voluntarily in the confusion, the
purification process of the vile material. Contrary to the belief of many men and especially
those who are interested or give themselves to this science, the ultimate goal of the alchemist
is not and has never been gold, or transformation, transmutation lead into gold. This stone is
actually after treatment, a powdered saffron. It especially allows the alchemist to discover the
key to the celestial world.
Nicolas FLAMEL expresses this truth, and says this to his son:
"Do not forget my son, when you proceed to the purification of the vile material, follow the
same path in parallel.
Our famous alchemist as many insiders, had understood the duality of man to have penetrated
the secrets and therefore wanted to share this knowledge to men, making them understand that
they can not cross the door that those who took awareness of their realities, and purified their
spiritual essences.
Access to the celestial spheres and at that price.
Nicolas FLAMEL truth reveals a fundamental fact. It is one of the first to convey to those
who engage in the quest for the philosopher's stone, like those who go in search of the Grail, it




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