God - The Revelation Of The 13th Way's Insider
Page 65 of 87

Therefore he often said:
I am the light, no one can go to the Father except through me. The Father did not want any of
his children perish.
What brand of love is not it?
When you look at a man in his behavior, his attitude, his actions, you know who his father
because he has the SIGNE
God is a being of goodness, kindness, gentle ineffable. It is just and right. It is of absolute
serenity. He hates violence, aggression, cruelty, evil in all its forms.
He loves not those who shed blood.
Her children alike, and all bear his mark.
On the contrary, Satan is the opposite, he is the prince of evil, he is the master creator,
instigator, the giver. Everything about him exudes malice, aggression, cruelty. It is absolute
evil, and has all the components. It provokes and incites people to pay without the name,
claiming to be God. And then he rejoices when he sees action.
Those who obey him, and acting on its behalf, are also a sign of evil. They are always
aggressive and react with aggression and violence.
The gates of paradise they are closed.
Taking as a starting point NOE, we see that God has consistently not only make themselves
known, but also for increased contact with men to help them and make them aware of reality.
What was his sadness and disappointment, noting that his message did not pass. The prophets,
wise men, in their time had enormous difficulties in communicating and explaining the
message of God with their own.
And therefore it is the main reason, having no other alternative, that the being of light decided
to come among men, both for better awareness by revealing to them but also to better
communicate new data. This contact was also of major significance, since men would last
what God if misunderstood, and penetrate a previously unknown celestial knowledge.
Admittedly, despite the knowledge transmitted through the centuries to men, it remained to be
materialistic agenda on what affects the man over his fellow man or the material universe.
The man has had enormous difficulties to penetrate them, to assimilate, understand, and
especially to admit reality.
On the other hand, the man needs concrete visible example of a tangible reality to accept a
truth as obvious. If not seen, not touched, he will say arbitrarily, taking as its basic lack of
knowledge that is false. Apart from our material universe-binary, which he ignores, moreover,
the different components, it is difficult to admit the existence of other universes, let alone that
of GOD.
It is for this reason that most HOLY SPIRIT decided to come among men, taking the fact a
human body. Thus, it is said, alongside them, among them, walking beside them, it will be
easier for me to know, to show their works unknown to transmit verbally new knowledge,
new data concerning the kingdom of heaven, they just say the words of truth.
The scope is even stronger, that GOD will finally walk among men and they know it exists.
GOD knew that his approach would be difficult, since he says:
"I stood in the middle of the world and I am revealed to them in the flesh. I found them all
drunk. Because they are blind in their heart and they do not. "
If you knew how true that is because today, men still do not know who they really are.
However, what's easier then to God, being among men, to choose among them the most
awake spiritually, to be listened to them and finally understood. The men accept this fact more
easily knowledge communicated by someone they see, they hear, which produces works out
standards, and is among them.
The other difficulty is for God to wake them up, to get them to recognize the reality of the
words they utter, and their own realities, those of spiritual entities.




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