God - The Revelation Of The 13th Way's Insider
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attitude, which took effect to make progress in material terms, in defiance of data that have
yet spiritual importance for its development.
You now know this phrase, there is nothing hidden, which is revealed to men. By this phrase,
Christ has meant to humans that they could penetrate all the celestial data, and hence that all
the mysteries of a spiritual nature within their reach. All those aware of their reality, have
access. Also embodied spiritual entity having produced the two A, and thus attained the
awakened state, enters the hidden data and access to the spiritual world. SLIC alluded to when
he told the apostles:
"Blessed are your eyes because they see and your ears because they hear. I tell you in truth,
many prophets and righteous men longed to see what you see, and have not seen, hear what
you hear, and have not heard.
It may well discover other worlds different from that in which it operates, has knowledge of a
more important and will inevitably meet other spiritual beings such as angels, when they are
of GOD, transmit their messages, new knowledge, new teaching.
Christ said:
"The angels will come to you and the prophets, and they give you what is yours."




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