God - The Revelation Of The 13th Way's Insider
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god. The sole interest of Satan, keep men blind and deaf, and prisoners of this world,
preventing them from finding the door of the holy kingdom.
This is unfair be reached in large part, simply for that, even today, to see the behavior of men
who prefer to work for evil, arguing that God does not exist.
We have seen above different reasons now the man blind, deaf and heavily mired in matter.
Other parameters are grafted and are largely due to the false god that continues to enslave
men, believing they praise the HOLY SPIRIT, and thus put under unfair precepts based on
aggression, malice, the beggar, the dogma of the eye for eye, tooth for that, where data
materialistic leading men to ignore their true inner self, that is to say the 'spiritual entity they
are actually giving the body a disproportionate importance and thus leading to bloodshed.
After all, how can you love this world?
How can I rent a certain being called God and Satan?
If you know the Holy Spirit as I the only one who under God must be given, you'd quickly the
difference with the prince of the underworld, and you quickly realize that he (God) will save
you while Satan wants your loss.
Satan is still some pedantic, full of his own being, pride, and constantly in search of honors.
These features suggest a level of spirituality relatively low.
God is a being of goodness out of the ordinary, beyond the conceivable. It is a BEING from a
height of wit and depth of the heart, which explains why it is slow to anger and he forgives his
children we are their mistakes. He is so humble, he never wanted to receive the honors. It is
far too great wisdom to behave as a false god that serve men.
Why he would seek the honors?
It is above all, it is ALL there is nothing above him, for he is the fullness.
The Secret Book of John says if just the SUPREME GOD:
It is the SPIRIT. It is inconceivable to think like God or similar terms, because he is a GOD. It
is a power over which no power because there is nothing before him.
He did not need what comes after him. He did not need life, because it is eternal. He did not
need anything because it is imperfectible, since it does not lack that makes perfect.
As you can see, our true Father God is above everything, and as such, it has EVERYTHING.
Everything, everything that exists in all different universes existing, comes from him, and
found him. It needs nothing, since it has everything. It wants one thing on the contrary, it is
our happiness that we finally live forever with him in the kingdom infinity.
It is easy, but friends make the difference between the one true God, and the false god that
people still praise, using the philosophy of this false god Satan based on violence and the cult
of the dead.
If GOD wanted to give spiritual beings trapped in the material universe-binary, knowledge,
knowledge of any truth is to preserve, protect, Satan and other demonic entities, and also offer
them data that can help prevent the infernal beings do not dominate and have no control over
Christ said:
The tares are the son of the devil, the enemy who sows them is the devil.
During the temptation, Christ reminded the morning to take his place as follows.
Get behind me Satan. Thou art a scandal, because your thoughts are not thoughts of God, but
of men.
Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God. Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and serve thee
Our Father, God is above all desire, except that we do not lose. He wants us to be saved and
Remember, this is why he came among men, taking a man's body, coming to earth in the
guise of the being of light, making himself known to men in the holy name of Christ.




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