God - The Revelation Of The 13th Way's Insider
Page 63 of 87

I started this book, focusing on the ignorance of man and his amazing ability to take pleasure.
Of course, his pride, his vanity, his self-satisfaction there are many, yet must it being aware,
and recognize that the mass of his knowledge is small and it still bathed in the 'intellectual
blindness. Admittedly, much of the artlessness by men, is the subject of attack and
manipulation by demonic entities whose mission is to Mantua effort to get as many remain
blind and deaf .
Those, particularly denial, s'affublent pride the title of intellectual or scientific opinion, are
most affected by these infernal entities as more able to help.
What is distressing about all this is the persistence of man to remain in blindness, his
perseverance, his kindness to focus his attention on trivial data such as materialism and / or
technology confined to the advantage, data that would open spiritual doors of reality.
Just go back to the creation of our universe-bit hardware to be convinced that the entities
involved in the blindness and ignorance are vanity, pride and wanted to take them for what
they were not putting himself at back the being of light who had warned of adverse outcomes
that could cause any irresponsible acts.
Accordingly, these celestial bodies at the head of which was the ignoble Satan caused disorder
in the universe, celestial forcing the Being of Light to expel them by sending in the material
universe-binary. GOD by this action sought to restore order and cohesion in the heavenly
kingdom, and established new rules heaven. Now, can access the universe celestial entities
consolidated with the cleaning of their spiritual essence and proven by their actions that they
reject the forces of evil in all its forms.
The culmination of negative actions causing harm and thus destruction is the result of reckless
behavior, which causes the confinement of spiritual beings in the universe-bit hardware and to
evolve there must necessarily be of carnal envelope. These are therefore trapped in the world
ruled by matter.
To us now assume our actions, and be under the divine law of the being of light who wants all
spiritual entities doing wrong, suffer the consequences of their misdeeds.
That is why we must listen to God, reject Satan and work for good.
Let us not make our suffering brothers.
That is why from the beginning and the establishment of man on earth, the one true God has
given orders not to touch the spiritual beings we are, and made every effort to ensure that the
information, knowledge, truth we are provided so that after our earthly sojourn, we can leave
this binary universe to go finally to the one we're from.
God has therefore ceased to multiply contacts with ADAM and EVE, addressing them
directly, without intermediaries, concerned about their welfare and teaching them little by
little data to know, including those that allow them to differentiate between good and evil, and
the consequences that can lead the forces of evil.
Unfortunately our first earthly parents have not entered the exact meaning of the words of
God, preferring to live in ignorance, unable to send their children to the data for the truth that
God inculcated.
It is noted that some of their descendants have continued or preferred listening to the prince of
evil, others have happily followed the advice of God, including:
Enoch, Noah, Moses, Elijah, etc. ...
As for others, and even today, they preferred to listen to and serve this to be despicable, I
named Satan, his emphasis and Clark a usurped title, that of God.
It must be said that he had lost all its prerogatives, that attribute to men, playing with the fiber
naive of them, their inculcate false data and take them to see him as the creator god of heaven
and earth.
This has the effect of increasing the gap between people, setting up two categories of people,
those who work with the one true God, and the son of perdition who choose to follow a false




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