God - The Revelation Of The 13th Way's Insider
Page 33 of 87

I must say that at this moment, I thought finally get an answer. A second person approached,
looked at my documents. Both men have worked together for a moment, then the first officer
spoke to me telling me he had no response. In other words, I was still in the dark. I then left
the police station and myself decided to go in search of the famous route 13.
I again found in the great hall, which assumed for the occasion, the central point to give all
directions. I took a few moments before a trip, so I decided to take that which was the
opposite, hoping that this time, the channel 13 it was.
The weather was beautiful. There was a beautiful sun. I was so worried about my situation,
that at no time did I tried to admire the scenery. Again, there was not too crowded. I looked
straight ahead, hoping to see the rails me proving that I was finally at the docks. But nothing,
no rails. Strange as it may seem, I was not worried. In front of me, about ten meters, there was
like a mound on top of which there was a sort of courtyard.
Without even thinking or trying to verify, I said:
That's channel 13.
While looking, I see a train is now leaving.
Really I thought you all rats. Never mind, I thought, you will take next.
I cast a quick glance around to find the path that Wed will go there. Looking to my left, I hope
to find either stairs or a gateway that drive me up the hill or I can wait for the train that will
take me. I must confess that I head a little to chance, because at no time have I seen signs
indicating the direction or the exact location of the docks. It really is not strange?
And was it a station?
What a strange station I said. I absolutely must find a way out.
I decided to take on my left, and no sooner had I taken four steps, appears on my left, as
emerging from the wall and therefore for me to nowhere, a huge locomotive followed by
another. I stopped short, saying that I had almost got run over. Then I noticed by looking
more closely at this machine, it moves through the air and not on rails. Great was my surprise.
Then all became clear in my memory. I finally came to understand. I was finally an answer to
what happened.
I AM DEAD, I tell myself. That is why I am no longer on earth.
In fact I had left my body suddenly. I had when I read my newspaper in the subway, a
ruptured aneurysm. My death had been devastating. I thought then people who were sitting
next to me, they have been very surprised, shocked to see that someone could die so suddenly.
Indeed they all rushed to an empty body, since I had left and found myself now in the spiritual
world and specifically in the transition zone, where come the spiritual disembodied entities.
They are greeted and directed to their final destinations. Yes, I no longer belonged to the
world of men. I understand better why people interviewed did not answer. They were mostly
in the same situation as me.
Then I thought of the lady with graying hair. I better understand his reaction, she was part of
beings on earth who deny the existence of the spiritual universe. These people assume that
death is an end, it puts an end to existence and after that nothing. For them, everything
disappears. This lady was very surprised that she continued to live, though in a different form,
but she was still alive. Finally she discovered a different world, which she did not know
existed. Let us just like most men, she denied that there may be other universes. For this lady,
the shock has been terrible.
I also understand the role played by those who have contacted me or told me advised. In this
transition zone, they act as guides and counselors. Others are established to guide the entities
according to their earthly works.
In the case that concerns me, these beings could not tell me exactly the situation for fear that I
would react badly. I had to find the one that I become aware of the situation, and where I was.
How to tell an atheist to be incredulous and moreover, he left his body and on the earth plane,




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