God - The Revelation Of The 13th Way's Insider
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Access to the heavenly plan is subject to purifying the spiritual essence, the rejection of all
that is material, the forces of evil, and rebirth as a spiritual entity. This is the result of
beneficial actions performed on earth.
The third lesson we can learn from this adventure lived on the fate of spiritual entities, and
pathways that are proposed. It is one thing established is that which is to understand that God
has set up a divine law, specifying the action to any act, attitude, behavioral intention, good or
bad, and therefore a reward or punishment is the result. Nobody on the spiritual plane can not
escape. A trial is conducted and penalties imposed.
The fourth lesson concerns the unity of spiritual beings, the primacy of the spiritual essence,
the primacy of the spiritual essence of the body, and the identification of spiritual entities.
Only the initiated or awakened, that even in his outward man, able scope. It becomes real,
tangible, practical for all others, once they have left their bodies and find themselves in the
spiritual world. And again, they need an adjustment period before they have no conscience,
and they do not measure the reality. They finally understand, but it is often too late. They
knew then, eyeing all, they are identical, and that skin color is given a specific earthly plane.
In fact, this reality does not concern the spiritual spheres, because the essence of spiritual
beings is the same for everyone and has no color. We finally know who we are.
It must be admitted that this situation is confusing for anyone who has any reality, and
remains ignorant of heavenly things. That man knows what follows the earthly death. Nothing
is not it? So now you know.
The last lesson of this passage in the transition zone, for clarification, the doomsday.
Indeed, all men without exception, can not escape, and here I am referring to those who have
committed a crime and then shed blood, and to escape the justice of men commit suicide, are
wrong. They especially will not escape. All men are concerned. A Justice and Trial of God is
Some scholars, analysts and translators have changed the exact meaning given to the word of
Christ on the doomsday. Some have assumed that the ruling put an end to all earthly
existence, others are left in questionable because diatribes based on ignorance, arguing that
the famous trial would take place at the end of the world or a certain date and would sound the
death knell. In other-words, according to these dreamers, life would cease to be, all this is
The dogma of doomsday is certainly based on sacred texts and thus interpreting the word of
Christ, but has also been analyzed risky, flawed and not directly linked with the profound and
real connection of Christ.
Obviously, if one refers to the parable of the reaper, Christ allegory in that gives what has
really happened since Adam and Eve in His coming, and then explains that the man in his
blindness and his propensity to follow the advice of the prince of darkness rather than useful
and enlightened of God, led the entire previous generation to work alongside the path to
This parable of profound meaning and truth, explains what happens and the follow-up to the
generation before his coming among men, who happens to be affiliated with obscurantism. No
parentage of Adam and Eve and the remaining contemporary in Christ, could have access to
the kingdom, because she was a carrier for a large majority of the seed of evil in all its forms.
At harvest, the owner of the field, asking its workers to pull the weeds first, so it is put into
boot and thrown into the fire. The ripe wheat will be harvested separately and stored in the
attic for this purpose. Christ gives the exact meaning of this parable, which relates to the
generation referenced, or discussed it at the trial to proceed through the angels, the separation
be far from those of evil.
His words are even clearer, they are precisely the location of the trial, and when it will occur.




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