God - The Revelation Of The 13th Way's Insider
Page 29 of 87

Accordingly, we find that the Holy Spirit took possession of the body, Jesus celestial entity
giving up the place and control the carnal envelope. As we have seen, the being of light
entered freely into the body prepared by Jesus, and can now move among men.
The being of light, the one God, is best known men in the word of Christ.
During the time that Christ spent among men, in addition to teaching he sent them, the
revelation of heavenly mysteries, he has sought to make men aware that the data were
revealed words of truth. Besides the men themselves, had noticed the different nature of the
remarks. The role of Christ, has many dimensions.
Besides what I have revealed above, Christ knew that man needs to see one of his own act
differently, behave differently, make a profound words of meaning and truth to believe. And
finally, put an end to the first generation of men putting up the new generation, to which we
belong. CHRIST course, set up new perspectives, and allowed men to be freed from the
clutches of the prince of evil.
The first phase of the teaching of Christ began on earth, among men, and most important has
continued and has been implemented in the celestial universe. But it is a fundamental of the
utmost importance, it is the latter.
The major world is not ours, but where is the being of light, celestial entities, spiritual entities
holy angels. Our universe is not anti-chamber of the main universe, it is somehow the hyphen.
The second phase started when Christ was on the cross. This episode is a major character
because he has created an awakening of conscience, this salutary shock, allowed men to get
out of the lethargy in which they were immersed, and measure the outside dimension of the
standard DIVINE BEING.
Here begins the major action of Christ. As freely and easily the being of light has entered the
body prepared by Jesus as easily have been the start of the carnal envelope. Leaving the body
then nailed on the cross, Christ, the being of light leaves the body in the celestial entity, first
occupant of the body, I named Jesus. Confused by this departure, and felt abandoned, the
celestial entity Jesus reads:
My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken.
CHRIST-GOD leaves the body before life there is removed, because life with him in his
divine essence, is itself life, as he remained in the body, death could not occur. That is why
the being of light, Christ, leaves the body and leave the body celestial Jesus.
The being of light leaving the body and the material universe, travels to the spiritual world-
binary to meet the spiritual entities who remain trapped, and which are part of the first
generation. Christ did he not say:
I have other sheep that are not of this fold.
Now all spiritual beings who lived on earth since Adam and Eve until the advent of Christ,
and in fact are part of the first generation, have remained trapped in the spiritual world. None
have had access to the heavenly universe. This is why Christ went there too, they bring good
news and free too.
Therefore Christ, again become the being of light, has established a major act.
It relies on the establishment of a road giving access to our material universe-binary to the
hitherto inaccessible celestial universe. Christ had told the apostles:
I'll prepare a place.
By raising the earth, the being of light wished to demonstrate his divinity among men, by
creating in their minds a salutary shock, so they definitely know the truth, and finally they
walk on the path of CHRIST . On the other hand it back was to make men understand that
God always keeps his promises, and he wanted to consolidate the place of love. The alliance
that CHRIST-GOD put in place, took all its meaning. Then leaving his apostles, Christ made
a promise to return.




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