God - The Revelation Of The 13th Way's Insider
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Before turning to more reliable data, those that allow people to find and walk confidently on
the path to light, this road safe, secure and safe, let me tell you what will happen to the man at
the end his earthly life. This topic is very important because it brings to any entity or not
prepared, or when it releases its carnal envelope, to the last breath of the latter. The men call
the wrong moment, death.
As you see, death does only that the human body, for us, spiritual entities, we continue to live
under another form, and continue our lives in another universe, spiritual one.
As I said earlier, God gives to every man who has attained the state of alert, to penetrate the
hidden data, to see and hear new things and hence relay to turn to information to the rest of
humanity. The primary mission of this man, if light is to make men prove the truth of the
Word of God, so they know that whatever the Supreme God says is true.
Christ said:
Anyone looking, always looking until he finds. And when he has found, it will be in turmoil.
Having been found, he marveled, he will reign over all.
Recognize what is before your face, and which is your secret will be revealed to you. There is
nothing hidden which will be shown.
He who seeks finds, to him who knocks on the inside, it opens.
He who drink from my mouth will become like me, and I'd be him, and hidden things are
revealed to him.
Also, if God made me know what happens with spiritual entities when they leave their earthly
bodies is to enable them not only to prepare, but also to give the ways for men to know the
truth, which in this case has many aspects and is designed primarily for unbelievers and
This is to bring men demonstrate their continued existence in another universe. They know
that life after death 'is fine and well, that the afterlife is a reality. In terms of our behavior on
earth, we are directed in specific directions, the wicked, those whose works focused on evil,
go to the world of darkness where Satan lives, and good will towards the holy universe .
Advise skeptics, atheists, what will happen at the precise moment they leave their bodies. I
would like to clarify them, those who assumed that the death was an end, their surprise and
astonishment will be enormous, when they find that they continue to live in their true form,
that of spiritual entity. They know when they were in error.
I will now tell you that fateful moment that I actually lived this moment I left without
knowing my body, and found myself in "the beyond".
Social Worker at night, I operate in a social hostel managed by the association EMMAUS,
located in the 10th arrondissement of Paris. As always, the day I took the subway station
Laumière, and I'm sitting on the seat center, opposite the entrance door of the car. As always,
once the metro starts, I open my journal and begin to read until Jacques Bonsergent station
where I must go down. The train stops once, then again and off again when suddenly, without
which I can explain it, it seems to me briefly go through a black hole, and suddenly found
myself in what seems to be a hall station.
What am I doing here, I thought? How did I get here?
I looked everywhere, all around me, and do not recognize this stop. But was this one?
The hall seemed to be circular, with large openings Gothic giving outward, located to one on
my left, and the other the opposite, is to my right. The ceiling was very high, as the central
part of the hotel overlooking a cathedral. The lights were yellow and relaxing.
My surprise was such that I could not understand anything. How was I came here because I
was finally sitting in the subway line 5. Everything around me was moving very many people,
men and women alike. Upon reflection, I note the absence of children. At one point, I noticed
a dimly lit hallway seems it and it comes to my mind, it is surely through the tunnel that I got




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