The Spiritual World
Page 71 of 88

Just as the sun appears in the morning and rises gradually to the meridian and then folds even as it rises in another hemisphere, the disappearance of Krishna in a galaxy corresponds to the beginning of his many amusements in another. To be more precise, as soon as entertainment ends on earth, it begins to manifest itself elsewhere. And this is how his eternal entertainment continues unabated. We know that the sun rises once in twenty-four hours; similarly, Krishna's amusements become visible in a galaxy given once daily from Brahma; and today, the Lord tells us that it lasts four billion three hundred and twenty million (43,200,000,000) solar years. But wherever the Lord is, all his wonderful entertainment takes place at regular intervals.

As the sun sets, the snakes gain strength, the thieves feel more courage and the specters become active, but the lotus wilts and the cakravakis birds lament. Likewise, when Lord Krishna disappears, atheists feel enlivened, but holy beings grieve.

Krishna is the Absolute Truth, the Supreme Being established in his inner power. It is multiplied in innumerable forms, some of which are called personal and others are distinct. Thus He performs His entertainment on all the spiritual planets as well as in all the galaxies of the material cosmos.

Krishna has the eternal appearance of a young man of sixteen. When He wishes to descend into our galaxy, the Milky Way, He first reveals his father and mother, who are truly his devotees, then He manifests himself as an Avatar or comes Himself in person . All its activities unfold in innumerable galaxies and this, to infinity. In truth, every moment, every second, its various manifestations and entertainments are revealed in different galaxies. Thus his activities and entertainment are comparable to the waves of the Ganges, which follow one another without end, because the incarnations of Krishna in different galaxies do not know any interruption, showing from childhood many diversions which culminate in the affectionate dance. All of Krishna's entertainment is described as eternal in all scriptures. In general, people can not understand how they unfold.

The Lord sometimes thinks he is a little shepherd, sometimes an administrator or a warrior, the son of Vasoudeva; and it is these various "ways of thinking" of Krishna that we call "entertainment". By "entertainment" it is also necessary to understand, a pleasant attitude, a beneficial behavior, a favorable and merciful activity, gestures, words, a pleasant smile that Krishna adopts according to the circumstances of place and time, in order to please his devotees, to help them and even to protect them, but also for his own pleasure.

Lord Krishna did not stay in our galaxy and on earth in particular, but for 125 years, but all the entertainment that covers this period is manifested in each of the galaxies. His entertainment includes his advent, his childhood, his youth and his subsequent entertainment, until their conclusion in Dvaraka. Since they always take place in one or other of the myriad galaxies, they are called eternal. In other words, as the Sun exists at all times, although we see it rise and set according to our planetary situation,




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