The Spiritual World
Page 75 of 88

Krishna, the Supreme Lord, come into this world at regular intervals to restore the spiritual culture that time is making decline.

He appears to reveal his entertainment and regenerate spirituality.

The Lord Kṛiṣhṇa appeared at the end of the Copper Age, the one that precedes ours, in order to regenerate spirituality among men, but also to manifest his divine diversions. The Lord in his aspect of Viṣṇu is concerned with maintaining the cosmic creation. It is especially this deity who restores order within the galaxy. Kṛiṣhṇa is the Lord in his original form; He does not appear to solve these problems, but only to reveal his purely spiritual entertainments and so attract fallen souls to return to their original home in the kingdom of God. Nevertheless, at the end of the last copper age coincided the moment of restoring order in our galaxy and that of the advent of Lord Krishna. As a result, when the Supreme Lord, Kṛiṣhṇa, came into this world, Viṣṇu, who maintains the galaxy, melted in his person, as did all his plenary emanations. When God, the Supreme Lord in his absolute form, descends into the material cosmos, (on a planet of a given galaxy) all other Avatars meet in Him. The Lord Nārāyaṇa, the first four emanations [Vāsudeva, Saṅkarṣaṇa, Pradyumna and Aniruddha], Matsya and the other līl-Avatars, the yuga-Avatars as well as the manvantara-Avatars and all the other Avatars that may exist, all manifest themselves in the the body of Lord Kṛiṣhṇa, the Supreme Lord in his complete form. At that moment, the Lord Viṣṇu is thus present in the body of Lord Kṛiṣhṇa, who destroys the demonic miscreants through him.

The Supreme Lord says, "Taking these pure souls with Me, I will descend into the material galaxy and rejoice in varied and wonderful diversions, unknown even to Vaikuṇṭha (spiritual planets). I will make known entertainments that marvel Myself".

Lord Kṛiṣhṇa, in the guise of Lord Chaitanya, instructs his devotees on the path that gradually elevates to the level of pure devotional service. So he appears at regular intervals as a devotee to engage in many wonderful activities, described in his sublime teaching. There are innumerable Vaikuṇṭha planets in the spiritual world and on each of them the Lord is served by his eternal devotees, animated by a feeling of reverence. This is why the Lord Kṛiṣhṇa reveals his most secret entertainment, as He savored them in his transcendental realm. These entertainments are so fascinating that they appeal to the very person of the Lord, who enjoys the nectar under the features of Lord Chaitanya.

The kingdom of God knows no limit, and so is the number of intermediaries who assist the Lord in His works. The Lord extends his hands, his legs, his eyes and his mouths in all his creation. It amounts to saying that his emanations formed by his integral parts, the spiritual beings distinct from God, are his assistants, all of whom are destined for a particular form of devotional service. But the individual soul incarnated and conditioned by matter, would occupy the position of Brahma, the first




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