The Spiritual World
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- bhakta Devotee of Krishna. Spiritualist of the highest order. Pure human.

- Brahma

First being created in the universe and the highest of all. Demiurge. He receives the power from the Supreme Lord to create all creation in the universe, which he is the principal regent.

- Cetena

Element of knowledge.

- Deva

Virtuous being, God's servant. Inhabitant of the heavenly planets.

- Dharma

The duties of evrybody according to his social status, the surrender to God.

- Gopis

Krishna companions in Vrndavana, the holy city of India. They embody the highest devotion to the Lord because of their pure love for him.

- Govinda

Name of Krishna, Krishna plenary emanation of prevailing on one of the Vaikuntha planets.

- Gunas

The attributs of material nature (virtue, passion and ignorance) that influence people and things.

- impersonalist

One who sees God through its energies exclusively, and realizes the Lord as his spiritual formless aspect.

- Jnana

The philosophical quest for absolute truth. spiritual knowledge.

- jnaani

He who possesses spiritual knowledge.

- Kaivalya

internal power, spiritual, through which the embodied and conditioned soul awakens to realize its true nature of spiritual soul, part of God.

- Karmi

Materialist seeking only the pleasure of the senses.

- Lapis lazuli

Gemstone blue.

- Laksmi

Goddess of fortune.

- Maha-tattva

Principle of material creation. The aggregate of the 24 elements of material nature.

- Maya

What does not exist, the illusion.

- Sama-veda

exquisite melody sung in honor of Krishna in the spiritual world.

- Sourabhis

Cows of the spiritual world.

- Vaikuntha

The spiritual realm, where everything is full of eternity, knowledge and bliss.

- Vaikunthalokas

Vaikuntha planets: Eternal planets located in the kingdom of God, in the spiritual world. Krishna reigns over each in form of Narayana.

- Virata-rupa

Other name of Visva-rupa.

- Visva-guru

See also virata-rupa rupa-or visva

- Visva-rupa

The universal form of the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna in the material universe. It consists of the entire cosmic manifestation.

- Vishnu

Means "The support of all that is." God, the Supreme Person, has four arms.

- Yoga-maya

Krishna internal power that mask him, making him inaccessible to common human. Also, power by which the Lord is partially revealed to his pure devotee, veiling his divine nature.





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