The Spiritual World
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are not different and inseparable. Even if He produces the gigantic cosmic manifestation, the Supreme Lord always retains His transcendental form.

The Lord is the master of innumerable infinite energies; He also manifests the by-products of these energies in various ways. Everything is under his domination. The Supreme Lord is also the Supreme Master, manifesting himself in innumerable energies and emanations.

Material nature proceeds from the causal ocean.

The process of material creation.

Beyond the Vaikuṇṭha spiritual planets shines the radiance of the Impersonal Supreme Spiritual Being, and beyond this radiance extends the Kāraṇa Ocean, or Causal Ocean. The radiance that forms the aspect of the Impersonal Supreme Spiritual Being, partial emanation of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, is the space within which the Vaikuṇṭha planets are found in the spiritual world. Beyond the impersonal Supreme Spiritual Being being the immense Causal Ocean, which separate the spiritual and material worlds. The material nature proceeds from this Causal Ocean. The karaka ocean, also called causal ocean, because karana means causal, is actually an immense ocean of spiritual water. This ocean is at the origin of the creation of the material cosmos.

Kāraṇodakaśāyī Viṣṇu, (plenary emanation of Krishna) lying on the Causal Ocean, creates galaxies with his only glance at material nature. So Kṛiṣhṇa has nothing to do with material creation. The Lord is looking at material nature and it is producing many galaxies. Neither Kṛiṣhṇa in Goloka nor Nārāyaṇa in Vaikuṇṭha come into direct contact with material creation. They are entirely separated from the material energy. It is the role of Mahā-Saṅkarṣaṇa, in the form of Kāraṇodakaśāyī Viṣṇu, to look at material creation, situated beyond the limits of the Causal Ocean. Material nature is connected to God only by the way he looks at her. It is said that He fertilizes her with the energy of her gaze. The material energy, māyā, never touches the Causal Ocean, because the Lord is looking at her from a great distance.

The power of the gaze of the Lord agitates the entire cosmic energy, whose activities begin from then on. This indicates that matter, no matter how powerful, remains by itself powerless. It comes into action by the grace of the Lord, and it is then that the entire cosmic creation is systematically manifested as a chain reaction. The Lord activates the material nature, which then provides the necessary elements for the development of the material cosmos. Material nature has two phases: under its first aspect, it produces the material ingredients required for cosmic development, while under its second aspect, called māyā, it causes the manifestation of its ephemeral ingredients as the foam on the ocean . In reality, the temporary manifestations of




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