Sorry my friends

I have to temporarily close the guest book because some people are pouring insane and malicious words here, contrary to the spiritual philosophy of God and the spirit of love, mutual respect and benevolence that I broadcast in my site.

Thank you for your kind understanding.

Saul Judoeus

Viewing entries 16 through 20 (Total entries: 39)

Qu'est-ce-que la vérité ?

Les hommes sont dans une recherche permanente de la verité.
Qu'est ce qui est à l'origine de chaque chose, de nos actes, de nos affections, de la tristesse et du vide enfouis dans notre âme ?
Les hommes ont cessé de répondre et de se contredire sur cette question au cours de l'histoire de notre humanité.
Et bien je veux essayer de repondre simplement à cette question.
La vérité est que chaque homme est faconné et construit par ce qu'il tient comme ultime dans sa vie :
- Si son but ultime dans la vie c'est l'argent - c'est cela qui va conditionner tout le reste.
- Si son but ultime dans la vie c'est le sexe, ca va conditionner tout le reste.
- Si son but ultime dans la vie c'est le pouvoir, ca va conditionner tout le reste.
- Si son but ultime dans la vie c'est de plaire à quelqu'un, ca va conditionner tout le reste.
En fait, nous sommes façonnés et construits par Dieu.

lundi 03 janvier 2011 - 10:35:28 - Paris (France)

J'ai lu ce que tu as écrits, je doid avouer que grace à toi, j'ai enfin les réponses que je cherchais. Continue l'ami, et merci. Gloire à Dieu.

lundi 04 octobre 2010 - 12:52:12 - Paris (France)

At first glance I thought this could be an interesting or inspiring website.  I think it's good you are trying to send a positive message.

vendredi 09 avril 2010 - 12:11:00 - United States

God is love
My action is spiritual, and therefore completly anonymous. I came here in order to make GOD known of everyone, and reveal to humankind the real scope and effectiveness of this infinite kingdom, and the prominancy of his reign.
For those reasons, I invite you to follow me, by looking for GOD firstly, but as well by rejecting evil in all its forms, following his steps and enforce its laws.
Be thereby God's disciples, and only his, in imitating his pure nature which the pedestal is:
Love, goodness, justice, peace.
If you're willing to walk by my side, make my website known and reveal to mankind the knowledge it transport.
May GOD be with you.

jeudi 08 avril 2010 - 08:48:00 - Paris (France)

My friend William Ollen
My work is on the spiritual plane; and therefore results in total anonymity. I came to know GOD to men and reveal the true extent of his infinite kingdom.
Therefore, I invite you all to follow me by seeking GOD first. Reject all the shapes of evil. Walk in God's ways and apply his laws.
So be followers of the only one true GOD, by imitating his pure nature whose basis is:
Love, kindness, justice and peace.
If you want to walk beside me, please let people my website, and spread the knowledge of GOD to them.
May GOD bless you. 

mercredi 07 avril 2010 - 20:03:00 - Paris (France)



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