The Pure Spiritual Science
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The Devotional service

Devotional service consists of the following: 1) listen; 2) sing (or say); 3) remember; 4) love; 5) pray; 6) used; 7) act servant; 8) to be friendly; 9) any offer; 10) dance before the Deity; 11) sing songs; 12) instruct; 13) offer their homage; 14) the arrival of a devotee, stand as a compliance; 15) at the start of a devotee, escort him to the door; 16) enter the temple of the Lord; 17) perform a circular walk around the temple; 18) read prayers; 19) sing hymns; 20) take part in sankirtane (congregational chanting); 21) smell the incense and flowers offered to the Deity; 22) honoring prasad (food offered to Krishna); 23) attend the aratrik (the Lord welcome ceremony); 24) contemplate the Deity; 25) offer tasty food to the Lord; 26) meditate; 27) offer water to the shrub toulasi; 28) offer their tribute to vaishnaves, or advanced devotees; 29) living in Mathura or Vrndavana; 30) study the Srimad-Bhagavatam; 31) do everything to achieve Krishna; 32) expect the grace of Krishna; 33) take part in the ceremonies in honor of Krishna in the company of His devotees; 34) surrender completely; 35) observe various celebrations.

Anyone who practices devotional service in full Krishna consciousness automatically perform any debt to the sages, the demigods and ancestors, to whom we are indebted generally. This is confirmed by the Srimad-Bhagavatam: "Whoever engages fully in the service of the Lord, O king, has neither duties nor obligations to the demigods, sages, his family, his ancestors, humans and living beings in general. "(SB 5.11.41) Understand that, at birth, every human is so indebted to all expected him to perform various rites prescribed. The being who surrenders fully to Krishna, however, is free of all debt, from any obligation to anyone else. Moreover, it should be noted that whoever renounces all temporal duties to devote himself to the exclusive service of Krishna is freed by the very fact of any personal desire and does not risk committing any sin whatsoever. If, however, he comes to ask wrongdoing - not intentionally but by accident - Krishna will give him his full protection, and shall be taken to be purified in any way, as confirmed in the Srimad-Bhagavatam: "The devotee who is fully committed to the absolute love of the Lord's service is protected by the Supreme Being. or if, despite himself, he has to commit any sin or is forced to commit a wrongdoing in exceptional circumstances, the Lord situated in his heart, give him his full protection. "(SB, 11/05/42) the ways of speculative knowledge and renunciation are not essential to the completion of devotional service. It is not necessary to adhere to the principles of nonviolence and sense control, strictly recommended by other elevation roads. Without even subscribe to such methods, the devotee develops all these virtues with the only devotional service of the Lord. In




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