The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 565 of 728

however, you are not animated by such a consciousness, but by the false ego (by identifying with its body and seeking to dominate matter), shutting your ear to Me, you will be lost. If you do not act according to My directives, you will then be misled. Under the influence of illusion, you now refuse to act according to My instructions. But, constrained by your own nature, you will have to do the same. The Supreme Lord stands in the hearts of all beings, and directs their wanderings to all, each of whom is found on a machine (the body), made up of material energy. Surrender yourself entirely to Him. By his grace you will know absolute peace, and you will reach the eternal and supreme Abode. So I revealed to you the most secret knowledge. Think carefully, then act as you please.

[Krishna says we can do as we please. God, in fact, never deprives the individual of his tiny independence. A just intelligence must make us accept to act according to the directives of God. Thus, the firm and constant establishment in the consciousness of Krishna, which is the highest perfection of human life, will be facilitated.]

If I reveal this most secret part of knowledge to you, it is that you are My dear friend. Hear My word, for I say it for your good. Always fill your mind with Me, and become My devotee (my devotee), offer Me your homage, dedicate Me your adoration, and to Me you will come. That, I promise you, because you are My friend, infinitely dear. Leave all other forms of religion there, and just surrender yourself to Me. All the consequences of your faults, I will free you from them. Have no fear. This secret knowledge cannot be revealed to men who are neither austere, nor devoted, nor engaged in devotional service, or who envy Me. For the one who teaches My devotees (my devotees) this supreme secret, progress in the service of devotion is assured, and, in the end, no doubt, it will come back to Me. None of My servants in this world is dearer to Me than he is, and no one will be dearer to Me. As for him who has listened to him with faith, without envy, he will free himself from the consequences of his guilty acts and will reach the planets where the virtuous live.

Logos 342

Lord Krishna, God, the Supreme Person says: “But you cannot see Me with your eyes that are yours (Material eyes). So I give you the divine eyes by which you can contemplate My inconceivable powers”.

Pure being does not aspire to see Krishna in any other form, than its original, primordial, personal, absolute form with two arms; however, if he happens to want to admire the universal form of the Lord only the latter, by his divine grace, can allow




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