The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 568 of 728

The Supreme Lord, Krishna specifies: “This Form that you see with your spiritual eyes, neither the simple study of the Vedas (the original sacred scriptures), nor the severe asceticism, nor the charitable acts, nor the ritual worship does not allow to know it. No one, by these paths, will see Me as I am”.

In front of his parents, Vasudeva and Devaki, Krishna appeared first in a four-armed form, then in his two-armed form. For atheists or unbelievers, this is a mystery which is very difficult to unravel. Scholars who have contented themselves with studying the Vedas through speculation, or out of pure concern for academic knowledge, have only very limited access to understanding Krishna. And those who limit themselves to worship it officially, by a simple visit of formality to the place of worship, cannot understand the true nature of Krishna either. Only the service of devotion makes it possible to know the Lord in all his truth.

Lord Krishna adds: “It is only by serving Me with undivided love and devotion that one can know Me as I am, and likewise, see Me. Thus, and only thus, will we be able to unravel the mystery of My Person”.

The only way to know, understand, and see Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, is to serve him with undivided love and devotion. This is what the Lord explains here very clearly, in order to show to unqualified commentators, who seek to penetrate the meaning of Bhagavad-gita (Words of Krishna, Christ, God, the Supreme Person) by intellectual speculation, that their efforts are in vain. It is clearly stated here that anyone cannot see Krishna, much less the impersonalists who deny that He has a form, or understand how He was “born” of “parents”, in a form with four arms, immediately transformed by Him into a form with two arms. However, those versed in the study of the revealed writings can learn to know it in many ways. In these authentic Writings, there are many rules, many regulatory principles according to which to orient one's austerities, for those who really want to know Krishna. As for charitable acts, they must naturally address the devotees of Krishna, who are entirely taken up by the service of devotion, and thereby contribute to the propagation of the philosophy of Krishna, of Krishna consciousness throughout the world.. This Krishna consciousness is a blessing for all of humanity. He is the charitable Being par excellence, He whose spirit of charity shines with the most brilliance, because he distributes to all the love of Krishna, the love of God, love which, without Him, remains very difficult to access.

The personal forms of Krishna, two-armed and four-armed, differ in everything from its universal form, which is a temporary form. His four-arm form is that of Narayana, and his two-arm form is personal to Him. Both are spiritual, eternal, while its




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