The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 563 of 728

Sometimes we are surprised to learn that great wise men abandoned to the Lord go to the forest to practice devotional service or engage in meditation: how can they live like this, in the middle of the forest, without anyone do they watch over them?

Verily, such beings enjoy the benevolent protection of God, the Supreme Person. Thus, abandonment means accepting or firmly believing that God protects the soul that has surrendered to Him, wherever it may be; she never remains alone or without protection. In fact, whoever serves the Lord with devotion never remains unprotected, wherever in this universe he may be found. Whatever the dangers in this material world coming from living beings or from the elements of the material, even behavioral nature which will make the embodied being fall from the spiritual to the material, no one can protect us effectively except God Him -even. The ultimate refuge is in the Lord. Whoever seeks refuge in Him has the assurance of being protected. Krishna, God, the Supreme Person says:

“You can proclaim it with force, never My devotee (My devotee) will perish”.

Consequently, unless one is protected by the grace of the Lord, no protective measure will prove to be truly effective.

In the glorious days that preceded the advent of the present age, that of discord, quarrels, hypocrisy and sin, priests, spiritual guides or masters, cows, women, children and old people were all duly protected, and society as a whole benefited greatly:

1) The protection of priests and spiritual guides or masters ensures the maintenance of the institution par excellence, since it offers the safest method experimentally to raise all members of society to the level of spiritual life, to the perfection of existence.

2) The protection of the cow ensures an abundance of the most miraculous of all foods, milk, which refines the subtle tissues of the brain, and thus makes it possible to grasp the higher values ??of existence.

3) The protection of women preserves their chastity and, by the same token, the moral purity of society as a whole; thus can be conceived men of exemplary nature, capable of maintaining society in a state of peace, tranquility and progress.

4) The protection of the child gives any being who has obtained human form the best opportunity to take the path which will free him from the chains of matter. The child must be protected from the moment of conception by performing a purifying rite, which marks the beginning of a pure existence.





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