The Pure Spiritual Science
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see his life successful. Otherwise, it will go up and down endless scale of different forms of life, sometimes coating the body of a blade of grass, sometimes that of a lion ...

Death is not the annihilation of the material body. As soon as the body ceases to function, it is mixed again with the five elements of material nature, the living, the spiritual soul takes another body, determined by the actions of his past life and their consequences. Thus, the bodies change, one after another, and transmigrating soul. Similarly, the living body changes as soon as the agents of the deva of death decided its next mortal coil. As long as the living being is conditioned by the material world, he must take the material body, one after another. The body he held in his next life is given to him according to the laws of nature, according to his deeds in this life and their consequences. when one gets a new body, we forget all of the preceding.

The living being, the spiritual soul is the source of all the activities of the material body. Prey to the illusion, it remains veiled by two envelopes, one body and one ethereal. Camouflaged so, the soul comes to identify with the material body and misunderstands his real self.

This false sense of his real identity, "the false ego" compels the soul to consider his physical body as his own being, and by showing her offspring for his children, his country as an object of veneration. is born nationalism, a facet of ignorance.

In truth, the spiritual soul that we all do not belong to this material world because it comes from the spiritual world. It belongs to no nation, nor any living species, and has nothing in common with the body.

How to detect the presence of the spiritual soul?

Although the presence of the soul is not visible, its effects are nonetheless real. Similarly, one can perceive the presence of the soul by observing the action it has on the body. The "Vedas" teach, whether it is through this tiny particle, the spiritual soul that the whole body works so perfectly. It is not difficult to understand. If I pinch myself, I will feel immediate pain because my conscience penetrates my entire body. But if I die, in other words; if I, the soul, I left my body, you can cut my body into pieces without encountering any opposition from me. Secondly consciousness is the soul. Is not this a great way to detect the presence of the soul?

Knowing the soul, tiny particle of God is to be able to know everything. The spiritual soul is a particle of antimatter, more subtle than the simplest of atoms, making it




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