The Pure Spiritual Science
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and it returns to its original home in the spiritual world. And this is the special blessing of the human form.

Although the fate of a person is to suffer terribly because of the reprehensible act done in this life or previous, it may, by adopting the process of Krsna consciousness, change his karma. The soul that has reached the human stage has reached the point determining the result of evolution. From that point, it may choose to take to the species or chains to break free from the cycle of reincarnation. The actual process of reincarnation is as follows: the soul, after leaving a material body at death, finds the womb of a mother in a particular living species in this universe or in another in accordance with the immutable laws of karma and material nature. After death the disembodied soul, freed from its material body, is able to travel at the speed of thought. It flows so that a brief moment between two incarnations. However, only the souls who have fully realized their spiritual self can attain the spiritual world beyond the cycle of reincarnation. This is not an ordinary soul, which is still quite conditioned by life in this material world.

Another myth spread about reincarnation, the soul, which once received a human form, is always reincarnated in the next life, in a human body and never returns from the lower species. It is possible that we réincarnions us as human beings, but also in the form of dogs, cats, pigs or other lower species. The soul, however, although it may take the upper or lower body remains the same. In any case, under the immutable laws of karma, the consciousness that being develop in him during this life will determine the body it has to be coated. The Bhagavad-gita, the book that makes the most authority on reincarnation, spoken by God Himself says clearly that "the one who dies in the grip of ignorance is reborn in the animal world." (Bg XIV. 15) There is no clinical, scientific or scriptural giving reason to the design after which, once reached the human level, it is impossible to fall again among the lower species. This idea is opposed to the true principles of reincarnation, that millions of people have understood since ancient times.

The Vedic scriptures also tell us that it is very rare to get a human form. In other words, most sentient beings have assumed nonhuman forms. This occurs when the soul, renouncing the goal of human life - spiritual realization - is lost in clean animal desires. The soul must be reborn as an animal, or a lower still reigns, plant.

However, do not make the mistake to think that after the dissolution of the physical body, it will not be possible to meet the Lord, failing to possess a body. Since the spiritual entity known as spiritual soul is not born, it would be incorrect to believe that it begins to exist is created when the material body. Furthermore, the creation




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