The Pure Spiritual Science
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sources. The best example here is given us by Arjuna, who receives knowledge of God from the lips of Krsna. If he agrees to listen well, the conditioned will lose his desire, so long cherished, to dominate material nature, and gradually, in proportion to the diminution of his unhealthy desire, it will come to enjoy the spiritual bliss . A Vedic mantra states that share knowledge acquired in contact with the Supreme Lord, he tastes the existence of eternal felicity of its own.

Krishna contrasts the eternal nature of the soul (the true self) with the temporary nature of the material body (outer shell of the soul). The soul (Atma) is eternal; it continues to exist even after the death of the body: "The soul knows neither birth nor death Vivante, it will never cease to be not born, immortal, original, eternal, it never had.. beginning and will never end. it does not die with the body. "(20)

At death, the soul in a new body transmigrates: "At the moment of death, the soul takes a new body, the former useless, and that disposes of used clothing to be of new "(22) the wise man is he - or she - who, knowing that the true self is the eternal soul, is never troubled by this body change. (" death ") and is not hardly affected by the joys and sorrows of the material body. Such a person is worthy of release. The true self is eternal and not subject to death.

The spiritual soul should it necessarily have a body, be it spiritual or material?

The soul already has a spiritual body, and the material body comes to cover it. My real body is spiritual, and all the bodies that I put on successively oppose my real nature which is to be the servant of Krsna. As long as I do not assume this role, I remain a slave of matter, and according to the strict laws of the material energy I have to take, one after another, many material body that respond whenever in my new desires. Although the conditioned beings imagine themselves to be the sole masters of their destiny, they are liable at any moment to the law of karma:

"Under the influence of the three gunas, the lost soul believes to be the author of his actions when in reality they are made by nature." (Bg 3.27) This bewilderment is that the living believed to be the body. But in the Bhagavad-gita (18.61) Krsna also:

"The Supreme Lord is in the heart of all beings, and directing the wanderings of all, each being like a machine made of the material energy." (Bg 18.61)

The various bodies that we are awarded by material nature are such machines for our vehicles. Sometimes we rise to higher species, sometimes we degrade ourselves. But the being who, by the mercy of the spiritual master and Krsna receives the seed of devotional service and cultivates it, can escape the cycle of birth and death, and thus




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