The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 15 of 728

Yes, that's the difference. As taught by Krishna in Bhagavad-gita (2.17): - "What pervades the entire body is indestructible." Now, that gets the whole body of a living being is consciousness. And the state of our consciousness at the moment of death will determine the particular body that we will be awarded in the next life. If you have the consciousness of a dog, you will take the body of a dog, but if you have developed a divine consciousness, you will get the body of a demigod. Krsna leaves everyone the freedom to choose the body he wants to take.

The soul first is of human form

The living being is originally a spiritual entity known as spiritual soul, but his desire to taste the pleasures of this material world is the fall of his position. We can understand that the living is of a first body having a human form, but gradually, because of its demeaning acts, he falls from the lower species - animal, plant or aquatic. By the gradual process of evolution, the living being found in human form, and thus obtains a new opportunity to escape successive transmigrations. But he wasted again the chance it afforded him to understand his real identity, and plunge into the cycle of birth and death in various forms of life.

Srimad-Bhagavatam, 4.29.4

This verse is very important in understanding the process by which the conditioned soul transmigrating from one body to another. The second chapter already explained that the embodied transmigrates from one body to another as exchange cladding. Now these body changes, or "cladding", due to attachment to material existence. As long as he will be captivated by this illusory manifestation, will be continue to transmigrate from one body to another. Only, in fact, his desire to dominate material nature puts him in these adverse circumstances, giving it a body sometimes deva, sometimes human, animal, bird, worm, fish, wise or insect, always according to their material desires. And each time, he believes master of his destiny, in fact imposed by material nature.

So our verse explains how the being is given these different bodies. The process results from contact with the different modes of material nature, the attributes of the material nature. That is why we must rise beyond these gunas, these material influences, and reach the spiritual level. This is called Krsna consciousness. Unless Krsna conscious, we are forced, by the material consciousness, to move from one body to another, as we piled material desires since aeons. We must therefore change it to "view", and this change can only happen if we heed the words from authorized




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