The Pure Spiritual Science
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If we want peace and harmony reign over all the earth, simply to teach men the art of loving God. So they can immediately and simultaneously love all beings. Let us teach them to realize the Lord, to grow their love for him, to develop God consciousness, so they will reach self-realization, and attain real happiness.

Speaking of God, pretend to love, glorify, and choose all human beings that make humanity that we want to love and whom we must hate, is to drive auxiliary Satan. Speaking of God, pretend to love, glorify, and does not implement his words, his guidance, his advice, his testimonies and his statutes and his commandments, is lying to Jehovah is to miss him respect, and that is break the alliance that unites us to him.

Who deeply loves God, unconditional love, also love all things naturally, and his love extends to all living beings, whatever they are.

The mystery of consciousness

Death, the most mysterious and most implacable enemy of man. Means Does the end of life, or is it simply a gateway to another life, another "dimension", or another world? If human consciousness survives death, in this case, what determines its transition to new realities?

To get a clear understanding of these mysteries, man has always turned to enlightened philosophers, considering their teachings as the representation of a higher truth.

He who desires, little as it is, understand reincarnation must recognize the fundamental concept that the consciousness is a separate energy of the material of the physical body, and is superior to it. A simple observation of the faculties of thinking, feeling and wanting to humans corroborates this principle.

Reincarnation based on the principles of a "self" conscious, separate from the physical body is part of a greater system that governs the transmigration of living beings in a material form to another. Since the phenomenon of reincarnation concerns what is essential in us, this is a topic of major importance for all.

Consciousness is concrete proof of the presence of the soul in the body. When the weather is overcast, the sun may well not be seen, but we know he is in heaven with daylight. Similarly, perhaps do not we directly perceive the soul, but we can conclude that it exists thanks to the phenomenon of consciousness. In the absence thereof, the body is a mass of inert matter. Only the presence of consciousness allows this inert




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