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Also in truth, Kalki is a plenary emanation of Visnu, Himself plenary emanation of the Absolute Being, Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, in his personal, primordial, original and absolute form. Kalki is therefore God Himself.

Lord Kalki, the Lord of the universe, will ride his white horse, his swift horse Devadatta and, flaming sword in hand, will travel all over the earth presenting his eight mystical opulences and the eight special qualities of his Divinity. Showing his unparalleled brilliance and riding at high speed, He will kill by the millions those thieves who dared to dress as kings and heads of state.

By his irresistible power, He will destroy all barbarians, thieves, disbelievers demoniacs, atheists, and all whose minds are doomed to iniquity and wickedness.

John, in the book the apocalypse specifies: And here is a white horse. The one who rides him is called Faithful and True, he judges and fights with justice… On his head are several diadems… The armies which are in the sky follow him on white horses… From his mouth comes a sharp sword to strike the nations.

Everything that the Lord touches or sees is instantly purified

The Supreme Lord, Krishna, God, the Sovereign Person, descends into this world to accomplish three missions: to deliver its devotees and believers, annihilate the demonic disbelievers and restore the principles of spirituality.

In truth, because the Lord is absolute, the first two courses of action ultimately lead to the same result, although their own nature seems to differ. In fact, the killing of an evil being by the Lord turns out to be as auspicious when it comes from Him as his protective gestures in favor of believers or his devotees. In reality, all the demonic disbelievers who fought against God, and of course who watched him, attained the kingdom of the Lord, just as his devotees do. Others, located in a neutral position, nourishing only a slight affection for the Lord while appreciating the beauty of his face, were immediately raised to the spiritual planets called “Vaikunthas”.

The personal abode Lord Krishna is called Goloka Vrindavana, and the realms where his full emanations reside are called Vaikunthas. There the Lord manifests his presence as Narayana.

This spiritual awakening nevertheless takes place in varying degrees. Those whose love for God grows to the highest level of perfection reach the planet Goloka Vrindavana in the spiritual realm, while those who have rekindled this love only incidentally or through simple spiritual contact reach the planets. Vaikunthas.

Basically there is no difference between Goloka Vrindavana and Vaikuntha. But on the Vaikunthas the Lord is served in infinite opulence, while in Goloka Vrindavana the service offered to Him takes on the aspect of natural affection. This love for God is rekindled by contact with pure devotees of the Lord. Those who awaken to the love of God reach the planets of the spiritual realm.




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