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At the end of the Kali Age, the Iron Age, the body size of all creatures will be greatly reduced, and the religious tenets of followers of social and spiritual classes will be ruined. The path of the Vedas, the original holy scriptures, will be completely forgotten by human society, and the so-called religion will be predominantly atheist.

Kings and heads of state and government will be predominantly thieves. The occupations of men will be theft, lying and unnecessary violence, and all social classes will be reduced to the lowest level of men, such as workers. Cows will be like goats, spiritual hermitages will be no different from worldly houses, and family ties will not extend beyond the immediate ties of marriage.

Most plants and herbs will be tiny and all the trees will appear as semi-dwarf trees. The clouds will be filled with lightning, the houses will be devoid of piety, and all human beings will have become donkeys, uneducated beings.

During the Iron Age or Dark Age, heads of state will have become thieves who will steal money and property from citizens by force or collusion. With the progression of this Dark Age, we can see that these dishonest practices are already taking place. It is therefore not difficult to imagine how much civilization will have degenerated at the end of the Iron Age. In fact, the situation will be such that there will no longer be a sane person able to know who God is, and to know the bond between us and Him. In other words, human beings will behave like animals, because they will act like such.

When the non-Aryans, those who come from the lower social classes of society, who pose as kings will start to practice cannibalism because of the famine that will rage, and will end up attacking to righteous beings,

When the planet is filled with people who cannot understand logical conversations, for they will be slow-minded and dull,

When people can no longer be taught, especially in what concerns the high philosophy relating to the purpose of life, neither will know what to do or how to live,

When people will be unable to change their habits,

When the bad qualities of the present age, the dark age, the terrible age, that of discord, strife, hypocrisy, indifference, decay and sin will increase to an intolerable level,

So Krishna, God, the Person Supreme will descend under the aspect of Avatar Kalki, the Messiah awaited by the Jews and Christians, to destroy all atheistic beings, and destroy all those who are fixed in irreligion. In truth, Visnu or Krishna, is the only true protector. The Lord appears in this world to restore order whenever kings and heads of state do not rule properly.




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