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The present epoch is marked by the features of the Iron Age, the Dark Age, whose influence began to be felt at the time of the battle of Kuruksetra, about 5,000 ago years, five thousand years, and the authoritative original scriptures teach us that this era, the dark age, must continue for another 427,000 years.

The traits specific to kali are: Avarice, duplicity, deception, diplomatic maneuvers, nepotism, violence and so on, are already quite in vogue today, and no one can imagine what tomorrow has in store for us with the growing influence of the Iron Age, until the day of destruction. We already know that Kali is directing his influence towards the so-called civilized disbelievers, and beings enjoying the protection of the Lord have nothing to fear from this horrible age.

Until 5,000 years ago, the Emperor of the world excellently administered his empire, which extended over the whole earth. The whole people of the earth lived peacefully and happily. This happiness he owed to an ample production of natural foodstuffs; grains, fruits, milk, medicinal herbs, precious stones, minerals and all things required by man. Living beings were even free from bodily pain, mental disturbance, and disturbance caused by natural phenomena and other living beings. Because they thus knew a perfect happiness in all respects, the citizens did not feel any resentment towards the emperor, even if it sometimes broke out conflicts between heads of state, motivated by political reasons, and linked to the claim of absolute supremacy. These were duly trained to achieve the ultimate goal of existence. On the other hand, the people were also sufficiently enlightened not to dwell on futile disputes.

But the influence of the kali age or horrible age, gradually infiltrated the hearts of kings and their subjects, and altered their wonderful qualities, so that a tense situation arose between rulers and directed. However, it is still possible, by special arrangement, to close the loopholes in this age of discord, provided that spiritual progress and the awareness of God are cultivated.

As the current era progresses, all good qualities in human beings decrease and all unclean qualities increase. The atheist systems of the so-called religion become predominant, replacing the codes of Vedic law, [of the Vedas, the original holy scriptures].

Kings or heads of state become like highwaymen, people in general they devote themselves to low occupations and all social classes become like workers, craftsmen and other artists. All cows become like goats, all spiritual hermitages become like materialistic houses, and family ties extend no further than the immediate relationship of marriage.

Avatar Kalki is that formidable figure, who must wipe out the mass of atheist beings born during the Iron Age. Today, while we are still at the beginning of the Dark Age, the Iron Age, many principles contrary to religion are already in force, and as this age progresses many other pseudo-religious principles are sure to be introduced into society. People will forget the true religious principles enunciated by Lord Krishna,




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