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What is the major reason why the Lord wants to recreate the destroyed material manifestation, the destroyed material galaxy?

In truth, the Lord desires to recreate the material manifestation, in order to give souls conditioned by matter and the energy of illusion hitherto dormant in oblivion, a new opportunity to redeem themselves.

The material manifestation, namely the material galaxy, allows conditioned souls the possibility of returning to God, to their original home, located in the eternal and absolute kingdom of the Lord. It’s his first goal.

The Lord shows such goodness, that in the absence of this manifestation, He experiences as a lack, hence the creation.

The whole creation process aims to awaken to the real existence, that of the spiritual consciousness, the conditioned souls hitherto asleep, so that they can become as perfect as the souls. forever freed who live on the spiritual planets, in the kingdom of God.

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, loves to see all the entities emanating from his different powers share with Him the sublime happiness of spiritual bliss, for to participate in the eternal satisfaction of the Lord constitutes the highest perfection of the existence, all of spiritual bliss and eternal knowledge.

To give hope to these foolish beings who waste their energy in this fleeting world, the Lord reveals that there is another world, eternal, which is not subject to the cycle of creation and destruction. It also clarifies that it is given to the conditioned soul to know how it should act and use its precious existence. Instead of wasting its energy in manipulating matter, which by the supreme will is doomed to irreparable destruction, the conditioned soul should use its energy to serve the Lord with love and devotion, in order to be able to access this other world, which knows neither birth, nor death, nor creation, nor destruction, but offers an eternal existence, all of knowledge and bliss.

Creation is thus temporarily manifested and then destroyed for the sole purpose of instructing the conditioned being, who remains attached to the ephemeral. It is therefore also intended to enable him to attain spiritual realization and thus to attain the perfection of existence.

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, is the ultimate goal of existence.




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