Giving The Keys Of Truth
Page 64 of 89

The truth has disappeared, she withdrew from their mouths. The path of the wicked is as darkness,
they are not aware that they stumble. The wicked man walks with a perverse mouth. Perversity is in
his heart. He devises evil continually, he sows discord.
There are things that God hates.
A proud look, a lying tongue. Hands that shed innocent blood. The heart that devises wicked plans.
Feet that be swift in running to evil. A false witness that speaketh lies. Whoever stirreth quarrels
between brothers. The man who indulges in evil.
These people, says God, honor me with their lips but their heart is far from me. In vain he honors me
as teaching doctrines which are behaviors of men. You leave the commandment of God.
God is by nature, love, kindness, justice and peace. He hates the evil in all its forms. He brings
together; he unite men, his children, and want the happiness for all. For the love of his children and
the men, he teaches the truth concerning him he tells them the mysteries of heaven, but he also
shows them the way forward, one that leads to him and of course to the celestial kingdom of God. To
help men and preserve them from evil in all its forms, he gave them precepts, statutes and
ordinances, commandments, so they can live without exception, love, justice and peace.
The craving for God is to bring men to know him better, to tell the difference between good and evil,
right and wrong, truth from falsehood, knowing that by doing evil, whether by action, in word or
thought, they create waves or masses that cause negative effects and disastrous for them of course
for those around them. It is the law of cause and effect, which man ignores the existence.
Avoid my friends, to hurt in any form whatsoever. God above all wishes men to know that the forces
of evil, by the waves and negative mass they create, weaken their capacity to resist their evil
provocation, and enclose as in a matrix that makes them blind and deaf, and unable to react. The
man becomes a slave to his senses and instincts, forget all reality, no one knows who he really is. As
far as he is concerned, everything he sees and hears, becomes the only reality. Having lost his free
will and choice, he foolishly following the wishes of the demonic beings, not only incapable of
countering them, but also to turn away from them, and collect their lies and their perversion. These
false monks enslave and keep them in ignorance.
The messenger of God remains impervious to the Satanic philosophy; and that can show and tell the
false monks and of course, men who reject God by the forces of evil as a means of expression and
God gives men this warning:

It is a people robbed and plundered. They were all trapped in pits, hidden in the dungeons. They
were plundered, and nobody delivers them. Counted, and no one says:
Who among you will give ear to this?
Who wants to listen carefully to reach in the future?
Let show out the blind people as they have eyes, and deaf as they have ears. That all nations come
together, and that people pile up.
To be deaf and blind as the servant or messenger of God is precisely to know God; and only longing
to walk with him on his ways; and observe and enforce his laws; and put forward and reveal to men




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