Giving The Keys Of Truth
Page 46 of 89

The intellect to grip and control the mind, insofar as the spiritual entity control its essence through
his inner reality and not remain the slave of matter, that is to say effects induced by negative masses
stored in its fleshly envelope, and expressed as impulses or reckless acts.
Intellect reply somehow intelligence source that it is in fact the extension is the principle employed
by the spiritual entity, to be acting.
If we enter a moment of spiritual being that we are, we will see that initially our mind was blank data
related to knowledge, knowledge, devoid of intelligence and wisdom. The BEING OF LIGHT helped us
through a number of parameters. The existence and possible remedy is through our journey of life on
Earth, collecting data of all kinds, good and bad, including the need for our spiritual development is
evident and obvious. Ultimately, analyzing them, we can draw the essence and power by a perfect
understanding, to discover what they contain, aided by the ways and laws of God. We can then
separate them, oppose them, dissect them, analyze them and say well what is good what is not.
We retain all the knowledge in our minds, and that's where our thoughts go, which are the product
of the combined mass of data collected, which allows us the ability we have to analyze, understand,
compare them, express them, transforming them as idea, thought, intention, intuition, feeling,
education etc..
Are also stored in our mental, spiritual huge super computer, all data on our experiences, both good
and bad, and those that allow us to measure the harmful effects or not, relevant or not, fair or not,
contain them or not, and the rules and just laws that govern them and rely on us by God through our
intellect, to annihilate them if necessary, since they are harmful and destructive.
It is a fundamental truth to penetrate.
God, the being of light, we all create, I prefer begotten, spiritual entity basically good by nature, and
gave us from the beginning, freedom and choice. It has placed within our core source of our spiritual
essence, the divine principle from its divine essence, giving us, in our genes sources, data on the
kindness, love, which are also stored in our mental.
If God has created man in His own image, to understand him as a spiritual entity, one thing is sure, he
wanted from the beginning to grant the same grounds as he. Is not this a beautiful proof of love?
That is why from its inception, or rather its spiritual birth, the BEING OF LIGHT hoped that the man
with his spiritual divine origin, has a substantive right, just and right, and as his heavenly Father, it is
a being of love.
So God created man, spiritual entity basically good by nature, giving him as his spiritual birth, the
germ kernel which has served to train himself from the divine essence of the being of light, the
source memory carrier of the true nature of God, the ability to understand, analyze, reflect, think,
begin to love. The intelligence that God has provided, must bring forward by the education received
from the celestial world and provided by the being of light itself and the celestial beings (angels) to
develop oneself intellectual and spiritual.
By giving all these human faculties, God wanted to show him all the love he bears, the attention that
it manifests, and the designs of his love to trace him.




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