Giving The Keys Of Truth
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commandments of God, give them the keys to truth and knowledge, let them discover God, that
endow these solid foundations, they know where to go.
Give them an example, in the person of the BEING OF LIGHT.
This is why Christ told the apostles:
Imposes no rules, except that I witnessed.
By attracting the attention of his disciples on this crucial point, the being of light (Christ) will not only
remind them of what has been said above, but also bring them to the extent of their divine mission.
They have received divine instruction, the ones who are carriers of knowledge unknown to men,
must be able to predict the consequences of additions, rules of human laws enacted by the Supreme
Being, and preserve.
Do not add laws to those of the person who established the law in order not to become slaves.
By giving these instructions to the apostles, the being of light that the man knew over the years,
through weakness, ignorance, convenience, interest, or facilitated, by greed, immorality, for
absconding, by obvious desire to enslave the people, to justify actions or decisions unfair, would
eventually reject gradually the word of God, departing from the path to the light that is to say, God,
change and add the divine laws and directives, laws of man from customs and traditions often
minority, whose original data are essential framework to maintain by the designer, usually kings,
policymakers, religious or unfair, the people in domination or the status of slave, see to prevent it
from advancing spiritually.
When God gave men the law, there was talk of his hand, to offer to everyone without exception, a
framework of fair and harmonious life, a line of conduct to encourage them to love and respect
everyone, a plan action just and egalitarian. Eventually she offers men spiritual outlook obvious.
These laws of man, unrelated to the divine law, are flawed by their size, to prepare them and offer
no redeeming opening. These are rules based on Aboriginal customs or practices imperfect, whose
scope and interventionist directional only bring division, smooth, packaging, release, closed-
mindedness and maintenance man slave of sense. They alter any judgments, and highlight the
inability to measure what is right or penetrate the truth.
It is written:
But in vain they continue to worship me, because they teach for doctrines the commandments of
God does not approve of cults nations. He even punished his people when it deviated from its laws in
adopting their practices.




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