God To His Messenger
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The prophets prophesied by Baal.
They went after those who are of no help. The truth has disappeared, she withdrew from their
Therefore God has often lectured when omitted to tell the whole truth to men, or when they
allowed not only to change direction, but not to reveal the entirety of that they had orders to
If God did this was mainly because he insisted that the prophets make known the truth to men,
without omitting anything, this for the good of them, for their development and spiritual
evolution, but also to they may better know him, they know who he is, where it is and how to
reach him. The difficulty encountered God in the beginning, came from the ignorance of men,
their pride, their vanity, their adequacy, they are confident of having penetrated the whole
truth and hold the keys of knowledge.
But their sense of reasoning is limited, and their ability to analyze data celestial nonexistent,
people have trouble recognizing even now that their own boundless love, the cause to deny
the evidence or assess the truth and reality, which led them simply by virtue of their lack of
knowledge of celestial data, to say that all ideas or truths conveyed from the Being of Light
and consequently its representatives are just nonsense.
You understand my friends, if you want to send a specific instruction, to know the truth, or
reveal information unknown to your child by example, you are obliged to start with the basic
foundation of knowledge, the beginnings of 'Learning before going further. God is found in
this case. We're still.
The men, unable to pierce the exact meaning of his words, unable to understand, especially as
they transpose the terms materialistic thereby have enormous difficulties to perceive the real
Fortunately, when the Being of Light came among men, his first task was to correct some
misinterpretations of writing and therefore the word of God, then be able mainly to the
apostles to receive, many truths, and the mysteries of order materialistic, but especially
heavenly. The men were therefore all the answers to their questions.
Now that we know God, it is easy to find the path to him, if not being dragged or seduced by
the bellicose philosophy of Satan, who wants to accurately our loss. I already had to tell you
my friends, but the Being of Light is the content and context of ALL, ie, it is to use a real
image, the main house and unique, which is the kingdom of heaven infinity, while at the same
time, the Master places.
Remember my friends, words of the Being of Light to his apostles.
There are many mansions (several celestial world) in my Father's house. If it was not, I have
told you.
You know where I go, and you know the path.
God is the House that contains the ALL, it is owned whole, containing within its many
mansions. He is the DOOR, the owner of any shepherd the sheep and what it contains, and
who owns the sheep we are. He is holy and the desire that the kingdom is also is the reason,
no being can enter, if not previously washed her dress in the words of Christ, that is ie, pure
spiritual essence.
The celestial kingdom is where the Being of Light, and all spiritual beings and holy celestial
beings such as angels, is free of waves and negative mass, because the evil in all its forms is
The spiritual entities who wish to enter must first, respect and apply the word of God, will
resonate and be in total harmony with God. In other words, they must seek to resemble him in
every way, as would a child who deeply loves his father.
Like, means to be;




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