God To His Messenger
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If the Being of Light wanted when he came among the men do what the prophets had said
about him, and thereby achieve or to complete the acts messianic prophecies and announced
by the Messengers Angels and revealed to men is primarily, and he said, even if humans do
not notice them for their understanding, he realizes and completes what he said or announced
well in advance, and of course it still holds all its promises.
Take my friends, one by one all the words that God said to view and messenger, and
remember these revelations, words that Being of Light asks them to transmit to men, you will
see that God makes every effort to help the spiritual entities incarnated, understand, and to
awaken from the lethargy into which they are immersed, they penetrate into the exact
meaning, they take the essence, and they realize they act as did their parents, Adam and Eve,
continuing to turn to listen to Satan and thus isolate themselves from him, the kingdom of
heaven and sinks into materialism, forgetting the major spiritual data.
The evil forces, currents from the foul prince of darkness, are the cause of the loss of men,
and destroy all those who volunteer.
God hates evil and still more those who advocate the philosophy of the devil, which is
characterized, among those who decided to apply, by aggression, attitudes, violent behavior,
which is home to the latent and is exacerbated by the slightest reflection, as it is minor, they
amplify and use as a pretext for disaster response, they believe to be a force of nature, then it
is the prerogative of the weak.
That is why God gives them this warning, he asked Ezekiel to relate to men.
Give them warning from me.
You'll die if you do not warn if you do not speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way,
and to save his life. The wicked shall die in his iniquity, and I'm his blood.
But if you warn the wicked, and he did not turn from his wickedness and his evil way, he shall
die in his iniquity, and thou hast delivered thy soul.
Anyone who is violent, spreading blood, or commits something similar if the disgraced wife
of his neighbor, he oppresses the poor and needy, commits robbery if, that is not live not.
If Cain was the first murderer in history, we see that it has spread, and even today, men make
every effort to imitate it by listening to the devil, adopting for this purpose, satanic
philosophy, which leads to actual death.
But it's much too simple, too, to put everything on the back of Satan, although its role is
evident in the loss of men, and global chaos in stoking the malice and hatred, be humans
among the lowest, it echoed, taking the negative current account to them, and spreading all
over the place, pouring blood, robbing, stealing, cheating, spreading hate speech from the
thought of the devil, acting shameless and feeling no remorse.
One of the main reasons for the disaster that is global capitalist system that divides people,
creating huge disparities, whose envy and desire, the two poisons of humanity, are the
highlight. This economic system was set up by the prince of evil, and suggested that policy
makers like applicators downs designs, with the clear aim of increasing the divide and hatred
among men.
Capitalism advocates among others, the enrichment and leads consequently a range of desire,
need crass materialism, which not only blind men, but make them greedy, envious, petty,
calculating, indifferent, cynical and lead indulging in lust and luxury, to engage in the fight of
unbridled acquisition of material goods, to crush the weak without any emotion, for which
they feel nothing but contempt, seeing a profound indifference.
Capitalism causes a crowd of deviance, and brings to those who decide to adopt it, the urge
and growing to have, possess, raise, increase its capital or its property owners at the expense
of people around them, to whom he will give anything, much less leave. His thoughts are
often belligerent, and he will stop at nothing to achieve his ends.




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