The right qualities, the right attitude, the ideal behavior
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Virtue: Its influence leads to knowledge, happiness, purity, mastery of the senses, serenity, humility and moderation for the person on whom it is exercised. It is governed by Lord Visnu, the full emanation of Krishna.

Passion: Its influence leads, for the one on whom it is exercised, lust, a great attachment to the things of this world, uncontrollable desires, ardent aspirations and, despite intense and constant efforts to improve its material condition, a perpetual dissatisfaction. He is ruled by Brahma, the first created and regent of our galaxy, placed in this position by Krishna.

Ignorance: The state of one who ignores all the data relating to God as He really is, to spiritual knowledge, to the existential and absolute truth, and to his true nature as a spiritual soul, it is this last point which impels him to wrongly identify himself with his material body, and anything related thereto. Influenced by ignorance, the incarnate spiritual being believes itself to be the rightful master and beneficiary of the material world. Ignoring his original constitution as a servant of God, he thus usurps the rightful place of Supreme Lord Krishna.

This ignorance is very dangerous for the incarnate being, because it leads him to perform many guilty actions. It then sinks more and more into the cycle of repeated deaths and rebirths or successive reincarnations, and runs the risk of being reborn within animal species.

Its influence leads to illusion, confusion, laziness, anger and the use of intoxicants for the person on whom it is exercised. It is ruled by Shiva, the full emanation of the Supreme Lord.

Austerity: It is willingly accepting difficulties in the purpose of reaching the higher goal, God. It is the practice of the service of love and devotion offered to God that can, especially at the beginning, lead to some difficulties such as getting up early and taking a shower to attend the service dedicated to Krishna in the temple. Another example, some days of important religious commemorations, fasting.

Austerity also means not having illicit sex outside marriage, not eating meat, fish and eggs, not using drugs and exciting products such as alcohol, tobacco, coffee and tea, and not gambling and gambling.

Anyone who is determined to advance in God consciousness or Krishna consciousness and spiritual bliss, will feel uneasy in following these various rules and principles prescribed by Scripture, but will follow them without great difficulty.




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