The right qualities, the right attitude, the ideal behavior
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This is why the Lord reveals to us who we really are: “By your intrinsic nature you are a living soul of purely spiritual essence. The material body cannot be assimilated to your true identity, nor the mind, the intelligence or the false ego (identification with

its body, and the desire to dominate matter). Your true identity is to be the eternal servant of Krishna, the Supreme Lord. Your status is transcendental in nature. Krishna’s higher energy is of spiritual essence, while the lower, external energy is of material essence. Located between these two energies, you therefore belong to the marginal energy of Krishna, which means that you are One with Him while being distinct from Him. Being spiritual in nature, you are identical to Krishna, but because you are only a tiny fragment of Krishna, you are at the same time different from Krishna”.

In truth, the conditioned existence in which we find ourselves results from our forgetfulness of the relationship that unites us to the Supreme Lord within the higher energy. It is only when the incarnate being rediscovers his true identity as the eternal servant of Krishna that he gains liberation, true freedom.

The Lord teaches: “The author of the acts concerned must be born again and die in this world, and until he has developed his affection for Me, it will be impossible for him to shake off the yoke of the laws of material nature”.

Thus, a man who dutifully fulfils his duties according to the social class and spiritual level to which he belongs, but fails to develop his love for Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, only wastes his human life.

Krishna confirms this point when he says: “The first-class man is the one who finds refuge in Me, in total surrender, and who, renouncing all forms of material occupation, lives according to My teaching”.

These words of Lord Krishna suggest to us that people who are fond of philanthropy, social charities, ethics, morality, politics, altruism, etc., are only commendable on the material level, because they concern only the body, and not the soul.

The Vedas, the original holy scriptures also called “the true gospel”, teach us that a Krishna-conscious being, God, the Supreme Person, and practicing the devotional service he offers to the Lord, far exceeds all these “benefactors of humanity”.

The Lord teaches that God, the Supreme Person, can be satisfied by practicing the spiritual principles linked to social divisions and that in return, the whole society will be filled with all the goods necessary for existence and all the difficulties overcome.

Is not the Supreme Lord the support of all beings?

If every member of society devotes himself to his own occupation while cultivating the consciousness of God, there is no doubt that universal peace and happiness will reign. Free from the concern for vital necessities, the whole world will then be transformed into a vast spiritual space, into a spiritual dwelling, without having to be transported to the kingdom of God. The whole of humanity, if only it applies the teachings of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person and performs the duties related to the development of God’s consciousness, will experience perfect happiness.




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