The right qualities, the right attitude, the ideal behavior
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In truth, the state of mind at the time of death determines the conditions in which we will be reborn.

The virtuous person who has attained the state of holiness asks the Lord kindly to allow him to enter his eternal and absolute kingdom, once he has given up his vital breath and left his material body.

Before her body is reduced to ashes, she asks the Lord to remember the virtuous acts and sacrifices she has made throughout her life. She recites this prayer at the very moment of dying, in full awareness of her past acts, as well as of the goal to be achieved.

At this moment, he who has not completely abandoned material life must necessarily review the guilty actions he has committed throughout his life, and death surprises him the mind full of these thoughts, he will be forced to reincarnate and accept a new body in this world.

The Lord teaches that the mind carries with it the tendencies of the dying being, so that the state of mind which animated it at the very moment of death determines the conditions in which it will be reborn.

The Lord says: “It is the thoughts, desires and memories of being at the moment of leaving the body that determine his future condition”.

Unlike the animal, whose mental faculties are limited, man on the verge of death remembers, as in a dream, everything he did during his life. All these memories awaken in him innumerable material desires, which prevent him from regaining his original spiritual form and thus from returning to his first home, located in the spiritual world.

The holy being, through the practice of the service of love and devotion which he constantly offers to Lord Krishna, develops throughout his life his love for God, continually manifesting his affectionate feelings, so that, even if at the time of death he forgets his spiritual activities, the Lord remembers them.

This is why it is said that the progress made by the holy being is never in vain, even if it should be reborn in the material universe. The spiritual level attained is acquired. The Lord never forgets the service offered to him by his devotee.

In order to constantly think about Him, Lord Krishna has given us the chant of His holy names, “Haré Krishna”, which is of great help to us because this sublime chant allows us to purify our being, to erase all our sins, but also to control our mind, and thus to have clear ideas at the moment of death.

Haré Krishna, haré Krishna, Krishna Krishna, haré hare

Haré Rama, haré Rama, Rama Rama, haré haré.

This song in Sanskrit means: O Lord, O energy of the Lord, O Source of all happiness, please make me your beloved servant, allow me to serve you. Krishna and Rama are the Names of God, and Haré is none other than his inner energy, his blissful energy.

Lord Krishna says: “Always fill your mind with Me, become my devotee, offer me your homage and worship me. Perfectly absorbed in me, you will come to me.

Anyone who dies, at the very moment of leaving the body remembers me alone, immediately reaches my home, do not doubt it”.




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